Scientists are always fascinated by the center of the Earth. They also discovered what lies at the heart of our planet. Do you know, where is the center of the earth? What is the geographical center of Earth? Is it a giant ball of magma, or is something even more mysterious waiting down there? Some researchers are now claiming that they’ve finally found out what’s at the core of our world and it may not be what we expected. Keep reading to find out.
1. What is the Center of the Earth called?
The center of the Earth is called the Earth’s core. The core is the deepest layer of the Earth that consists of a solid innermost sphere and a molten outer layer. It is about 1,800 miles (2,900 kilometers) thick and makes up about 32% of Earth’s total volume. Hotter than the mantle, the Earth’s core has a temperature of 5200° Celsius at its outer edge. This heat keeps the metal in liquid form despite immense pressure. Also, check out what is Earth’s Core made of?
2. Where is the Center of the Earth located? What’s the Geographical Center of Earth?
The center of the Earth is located at 40°52′N 34°34′E, according to Isenberg’s result from 1836. This puts it in eastern Turkey, just south of the town of Ortahisar. More recent measurements have placed it at slightly different coordinates, but this remains the most commonly accepted location. (See What are Physical Features in Geography?)
3. Where is the Center of the Earth on a Map?
The center of the Earth is located on the map at the position of 40°52′N 34°34′E, which is also in Turkey, near the district of İskilip. (See What Country am I in?)
4. Is Mecca the Center of the Earth?
No, the Kaaba in Mecca was once thought to be at the geographical center of Earth, but this idea has been debunked by science. Nevertheless, Mecca remains an important place of pilgrimage for Muslims. Must read what states don’t get Snow?
5. Is Kaaba the Center of the Earth?
No, the Kaaba is not the center of the Earth. Muslims consider it the world’s religious center, but that’s a different concept than the geographical center. Also, check out what Country has the longest name?
6. What is the proof Kaaba is Center of the Earth?

There is no proof that the Kaaba is the center of the Earth. Some people believe that the Kaaba was thought to be the center of the Earth because it is located in the city of Mecca, a very holy site in Islam. Others believe that there is no proof or scientific base for this claim. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they believe about this topic. (See How long does it Take to Walk around the Earth?)
7. Which Country is the Center of the Earth?
Studies show that the center of the Earth is Turkey. This conclusion is based on data collected from seismology and other scientific studies. Also, check out where is Turkey situated?
8. What State is the Center of the Earth?
The state or you can say where is the center of the Earth, is located in Turkey, specifically in the Çorum Province. This belief is based on several factors, including the fact that Turkey is one of the few countries that straddle two continents (Europe and Asia) and has a long history of seismic activity. (See What are the Seven wonders of the World?)
9. Which City is the Center of the World?
According to Google Maps, the center of the Earth is located in Kırşehir, Turkey. Of course, there’s some debate over exactly where the center of the Earth is located. After all, it’s not like a sign or anything is marking the spot. But by most estimations, Kırşehir seems to be pretty close. (See What is the Northern Most State in the U.S.?)
10. Where is the End of the World located?
It is believed that the end of the world resides in Antarctica, specifically at the South Pole. This theory is based on Antarctica, the most remote and isolated place on Earth. In addition, it’s said that only a handful of people have ever ventured to this icy continent and returned alive, further adding to its mystique. Also, check out why can’t we go to Antarctica?
So, where is the center of the Earth, and what about Earth’s geographical center are answered and it is located in Turkey. Scientists have come up with a few different theories over the years, and the location of the center of our planet remains an ongoing mystery. However, by understanding more about the Earth’s inner workings and how we measure distances and locations, we can get a little closer to finding out exactly where the geographical center of Earth is. (See What is the Difference between Oceanic Crust and Continental Crust?)