The 2020 romantic drama film “The Secret: Dare to Dream” is based on the bestselling self-help book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. Directed by Andy Tennant and starring Katie Holmes and Josh Lucas, the movie tells the story of Miranda Wells, a struggling single mother whose life changes after a chance encounter with a mysterious man named Bray Johnson.
What Were Miranda’s Struggles?
When we first meet Miranda (Katie Holmes), she is a hardworking widow desperately trying to make ends meet for herself and her three children. Between her job at a seafood restaurant, mounting bills, and a house literally falling apart, Miranda is stretched to her breaking point. She has a pessimistic outlook, expecting more bad luck around every corner.
Things seem to go from bad to worse when a hurricane hits, sending a tree crashing through Miranda’s kitchen roof. With her home unlivable, she has no choice but to move in with her former mother-in-law Bobby (Celia Weston). Miranda is also dating her boss Tucker (Jerry O’Connell), but there doesn’t seem to be a real spark between them. Miranda’s life is full of stress and devoid of joy.
What Changed After Bray’s Arrival?
This is when Bray Johnson (Josh Lucas) enters the picture. After a chance fender bender with Miranda, Bray offers to fix her bumper for free. He then shows up at her home, demonstrating the law of attraction to Miranda and her kids using a magnet and paperclip. Bray’s optimistic attitude is infectious as he slowly helps the Wells family to see life’s possibilities.
It turns out Bray originally came to town to deliver an important letter to Miranda but keeps getting sidetracked from this mission. Instead, he ends up helping extensively with home repairs after the hurricane damage. As Bray spends more time with the family, romantic feelings start to develop between him and Miranda. However, Bray is still hiding the real reason he sought out Miranda in the first place.
Did Bray Steal Miranda’s Late Husband’s Invention?
The truth comes out at Miranda’s daughter’s birthday party. Her former mother-in-law shows Miranda information indicating that Bray introduced Miranda’s late husband’s invention to the world and may have stolen it. Confronted by Miranda, Bray explains that he was actually friends with her husband Matt. The two had been working on the invention together.
In a tragic twist, Bray reveals that he was the sole survivor of the plane crash that killed Matt. This devastating event changed Bray’s whole outlook on life, leading him to embrace the power of positive thinking. He tells Miranda he was not trying to hide the truth from her, but wanted to find the right way to tell her about his connection to Matt.
Did Bray and Miranda End Up Together? Dare to Dream 2020 Ending Explained
In the end, Bray gives Miranda her share of the profits from Matt’s invention, which is enough to pay off her debts. More importantly, Miranda has a new lease on life. She breaks off her engagement to Tucker, realizing their relationship is not making her truly happy. Miranda finds a new home for her family and enrolls in college to continue her education.
No longer weighed down by constant negative thoughts, Miranda takes control of her destiny. When she runs into Bray on the road in the final scene, it’s clear the two are meant to be together. United by their optimism and zest for life, Miranda and Bray can now dare to dream of a bright future.
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The Secret: Dare to Dream is not a perfect film, but its heart is in the right place. The ending drives home the importance of keeping hope alive even in the darkest of times. Miranda’s story is a reminder that a positive outlook can be revolutionary, upending and reworking the trajectory of our lives.
So while the film’s tidy resolution may feel a bit unrealistic, the overarching message is an inspiring one. We all have the power to change our thinking, and in doing so, change our lives. By daring to dream of what’s possible instead of fixating on our fears, we open ourselves up to a world of new opportunities. This is the real “secret” of the film – and one that will resonate with audiences long after the credits roll.