Grab the fish hook
The fish hook is a small item present on the board right next to the water tank on the wall facing the entrance door.
Grab the bee specimen
The bee specimen is present on the board right next to the entrance door.
Grab the lure of a bee
The Lure of a bee is present on the board right next to the water tank. This is the wall that has the clickable switch under the collection of insect specimens.
Combine both items
Combine the hook with the lure of a bee to create the new item that you will use to solve the puzzle. (See How to solve the painting room puzzle – Resident Evil remastered)
Place the lure of a bee in place
Go to the board next to the door and place the lure of a bee there. Make sure you already combined it with the hook.
Place the bee specimen in place
Go to the board next to the water tank where you initially got the lure of the bee and place the ordinary bee specimen there. (See Eagle room puzzle – Resident Evil remastered)
Press the switch
When you are asked whether you want to press the switch or not, answer with yes. If done right, a hole will open in the wall and you will get the wind crest.
Kill the bee or run
A real life bee will attack you as soon as the hole is opened. You can either grab the object fast and leave the room or kill it. It takes one bullet to kill the bee.