The imaginary line that runs from the geographic North to South Pole is the line or the imaginary line that divides the Earth into two hemispheres called the eastern and western hemispheres. Continue reading this article to learn more about an imaginary line passing through the Earth.
1. What is the Imaginary Line called that runs North to South?
Longitudinal lines are imaginary lines passing through the Earth. The line of zero degrees is called the prime meridian. The prime meridian measures the longitudinal lines with an increment of 15 degrees. 180° east or west of the prime meridian is the line called an anti-meridian. These two vertical lines are the longitudinal lines, each of which is an imaginary line that runs from the geographic North to South Pole that divides the Earth into two hemispheres. (See Where is the Center of the Earth Located?)
2. What is the Imaginary Line around the Earth Called?
The imaginary line that runs from the geographic North to South Pole is the longitudinal line. The imaginary line around the Earth is the line that is halfway between the poles. This is an imaginary line that divides the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres. This line runs at 0° latitude around the center of the Earth. Such a line is called the Equator. The diameter of the Earth is wider than the Equator. The distance around the Earth is 40,075 km at the Equator. Also, check out what is Revolution and Rotation?
3. What is the Imaginary Line that goes around the Earth from East to West?
Apart from the imaginary line that runs from the geographic north to south Pole, the imaginary lines passing through the Earth from east to west are the latitude lines. These lines are parallel to the Equator. They help measure the distance between the North and South of the Equator. These imaginary lines divide the Earth into two halves, which are the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Other lines of latitude depend on the position of the sun while in Earth’s orbit. These lines give information about the weather and the ocean currents.
The tropics for the boundaries we consider are roughly 23 degrees north called Tropic of Cancer and 23 degrees south called Tropic of Capricorn. At 66 degrees north is the Arctic Circle and 66° south is the Antarctic circle. 111 km is covered by each degree of latitude on the Earth’s surface, or one degree of latitude is considered equal to 60 minutes or 3600 seconds. All the latitude lines are equidistant from each other because they are parallel. (See How Long does it Take to Get to Space?)
4. What is the Imaginary Line called that Divides the Earth?
The imaginary line passing through the Earth and running around the middle between the poles dividing the Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres is called the Equator. (See Where does Earth End and Outer Space Begin?)
5. What is an Imaginary Line that divides the Earth into Northern and Southern Halves?
The line of zero degrees latitude, also called the Equator, is an imaginary line that divides the Earth into Northern and Southern halves.
6. What is an Imaginary Vertical Line that divides the Globe into Eastern and Western Hemisphere?
The line of zero degrees longitude, called the prime meridian, divides the Earth into the eastern and western hemispheres. This line passes through the royal observatory Greenwich in London, Great Britain. The countries United Kingdom, Spain, Antarctica, Ghana, Togo, Faso, France, and Burkina lie on this line and have the same time called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The countries lying east or west of this line are a few hours behind and ahead of GMT. Thus, it is the prime meridian that is an imaginary line dividing the Earth into eastern and western hemispheres. It is mainly the imaginary line that runs from the geographic North to South Pole. (See What are Physical Features in Geography?)
7. Are there Lines that Run North to South but Measure East to West?
Yes, there is an imaginary line that runs from the geographic North to South Pole but measures east to west. Such line is called the lines of longitude. These lines are measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds. They are farthest from each other at the Equator and nearest at the poles. However, longitudes require more calculations and tools to be measured. (See What makes up the Lithosphere?)
8. Imaginary Lines that Circle the Earth Parallel to the Equator are Called?
Parallels are the imaginary line passing through the Earth parallel to the Equator. This is called a circle of latitude. They are called the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. These tropics mark the northern and southern latitudes where the sun is directly seen. One minute of latitude is 1.8 km, and one second of latitude is 32 meters. One degree of latitude covers 111 km, called an arc degree. (See How many States are Along the East and West Coasts?)
9. What are Longitude and Latitude Lines Measured in?
The longitude and latitude lines are measured in degrees which is indicated by a small circle (°) over the given latitude and longitude. While assigning a measurement, latitude is listed first, while longitude is listed second. N or S indicates north and south of the Equator in a latitude measurement. The measurements are also followed by minutes and seconds, where each degree can be divided into 60 minutes indicated by a single mark (‘) and seconds indicated by a double mark (“). (Also read What is the Time Difference between Australia and USA?)