Best answers are sometimes incorrectly chosen
Because best answers are chosen by one person they sometimes get chosen incorrectly. This can give people misleading information in some cases.
There are lots of Trolls and bullies
It’s not unusual on Yahoo answers to find a troll or a bully making fun of someone or making a Racist remark.
Answers are not comprehensive
The fact that a question can be closed after sometime makes the answers of some questions not comprehensive.
Partial anonymity reduces the quality of answers
The partial anonymity of users , who register by any name and email, can sometimes prevent people from writing good answers as they don’t care about their reputation much.
The interface is cluttered
The Yahoo answers interface is cluttered and can sometimes be distracting. (See Why Google Answers failed?)
Poor Quality questions
In many occasions questions that are considered of a lower quality can be found on Yahoo answers.
Wrong answers get upvotes
It’s not uncommon to see a sarcastic comment getting so many up-votes in one question. Because the Community has a lot of bullies this problem shows often.
Quora attracted many intellectuals
Some people believe that Quora attracted many of the intellectuals leaving less educated people on Yahoo answers. (See Why is Quora better than Yahoo Answers?)
No revisions
Because wrong answers don’t get revised they usually remain on Yahoo answers unlike Wikipedia where pages are usually checked more than once.
Shallow questions attract shallow answers
According to an argument by some Quora users: The shallow questions on Yahoo answers attract people who later on post shallow answers to Yahoo answers.
Has no real community
Unlike Quora and Wikipedia Yahoo answers have no real community. Instead the site has many registered users who don’t have some of the properties of a real community.