Because he ran large organizations successfully
Some people support Trump because they believe that he can run a country successfully as he did with the large organizations he ran.
They believe he will bring greatness to America
Because of Trump’s personality and his leadership abilities, some people believe he will bring greatness to America and enforce nationwide pride.
They are impressed by his personality
Some people support Trump because they are impressed by his personality , Ego, self assurance and success.
They are against illegal immigrations
Some of the people who have problems with illegal immigrants support Trump as he was very clear on that matter. Trump said in more than one occasion that illegal immigrants will be deported.
They believe he is a strong leader
Some people Support Trump because they believe that he is a strong leader where as they view other candidates as less energetic.
Because he is bold
Many people believe that Trump will stand up for them because he is bold, and because he says what he wants no matter who he is talking to.
He pays for his own campaign
According to businessinsider one person in a focus group said ‘Trump would be different because he is “not beholden” to corporations or big donors, since he is heavily funding his own campaign. Some people might be supported Trump because he will not be in dept to anybody. (See Why is Donald Trump so famous?)
They think he is brave
Many people support Trump as they see him as a brave person who will be able to get things done with no regard to criticism or the media’s opinion.
He is funny
Some voters said they like Trump’s personality because he is funny. People who view elections as a popularity contest might find Trump more appealing.
They like his honesty
Some people think that Trump is very honest as he doesn’t try to be diplomatic or to change his words to appeal to people. The fact that he is blunt made him seem very honest to many people. (See How Donald Trump became Billionaire?)
He is not a mainstream candidate
Some people believe Trump can make serious change because he is not a mainstream candidate.
He promised to make the army stronger
Some people support Trump because they liked his comments about the army. Trump promised to make the army strong that no body will be able to use the United states.
They believe he can do what Obama didn’t
Some supporters of Trump used to support Obama and they believed that Trump can get done what Obama didn’t manage to do.
They don’t want to vote for Bush or Clinton
Some people support Trump because they don’t want to vote for Bush or Clinton. Those people think Trump is the best hope for the country.

1 Comment
why is trump liked? u have to be kidding!