A hemisphere is a line that divides a circle into two halves, whereas here on earth, there are a total of four hemispheres, which are: Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Eastern Hemisphere, and Western Hemisphere. All the hemispheres incline and meet each other at the equator, which is an imaginary line dividing both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The Northern Hemisphere has a greater land mass, which results in having a maximum number of continents in comparison to the Southern Hemisphere. Let’s find out in detail which hemisphere has maximum number of continents, which continents are in both hemispheres, and which country is in all 4 hemispheres.
1. In What Hemisphere are the 7 Continents found?
The Earth is divided into seven continents, which are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. These continents are large land masses that are separated by oceans and mountains. Continents can be easily identified on the globe through their shapes. Some maps and globes have latitude and longitude lines for proper identification. The Earth’s horizontal centre line is called the equator, which divides north and south. Vertical or sideways lines are called latitude lines, whereas a line that runs top to bottom is called a longitude line. Do you know which hemisphere has maximum number of continents? Let’s see below:
- North America, the northern third of South America, Europe, the northern two-thirds of Africa, and the majority of Asia are all found in the northern hemisphere.
- The majority of South America, one-third of Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and some Asian islands are all found in the southern hemisphere.
2. Which Hemisphere has Maximum Number of Continents?
The maximum number of continents are found in the Northern Hemisphere. Except for Australia, Antarctica, and almost all of South America, almost every continent is located in the Northern Hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere includes these three continents. (See How many Hemispheres on Earth?)
3. How many Continents are in both Hemispheres?
You already know which hemisphere has maximum number of continents. Let’s see which continents are in both hemispheres. Two hemispheres have two continents spread over them, which are South America and Asia.
- South America is a continent that is spread over the southern and western hemispheres. A tiny portion of this hemisphere lies in the northern hemisphere, whereas South America is also referred to as the southern sub-region of the American continent. The south is less populated and not well developed in comparison to the western side of this continent, which has a huge population and people are well settled.
- Asia is one of the largest continents spreading over the Northern and Eastern hemispheres with a well-populated and flourishing landmass as more than 65% of the world’s total population lives in this area with diverse cultures across the globe.
4. Which Continents are only in the Southern Hemisphere?
The Southern Hemisphere consists of continents like Africa, Antarctica, Australia, and South America. Moreover, Antarctica and Australia are only in the Southern Hemisphere. (See How many Continents start with Letter A?)
5. Which Continents are only in the Northern Hemisphere?
While discussing which hemisphere has maximum number of continents, also note that the Northern Hemisphere consists of continents like Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, and South America. And North America and Europe are only in the Northern Hemisphere. (See What is Imaginary Line?)
6. Which Continent is the Largest on Earth?
The largest continent in the world is Asia, which has over 65%, or two-thirds of the world’s entire population, with 9% of the total landmass of the earth, which is 44 million square kilometres, and 30% of the total land area. It resides in the northern and eastern hemispheres, which include vast diversity in terms of traditions, culture, ethnic groups, environment, government, and marvellous histories.
The northern hemisphere has the maximum number of continents, among which Asia is the largest continent in the world in terms of population, culture, heritage, and land. Asia on the whole comprises 48 countries, which are India, Pakistan, China, Afghanistan, Russia, etc. Let’s find out which continent is partially in all four hemispheres. (Read What is the Largest Island in Asia?)
7. What Continent is partially in all Four Hemispheres?
Besides knowing which hemisphere has maximum number of continents, let me tell you that Africa is the continent that is partially in all four hemispheres because Africa is the easternmost continent. It extends downward from the Equator. African countries like Kenya and Tanzania lie closest to the Equator, which makes Africa part of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
As you move from Kenya and Tanzania in the south direction, you will consequently reach the end of Africa, which is located entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. Similarly, as you move northward from the Equator, you will reach the northernmost tip of Africa, which is located in the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore, because Africa lies near the equator and the equator is the line that divides the Earth into two parts, as a result, it becomes part of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. So, it can be denoted as Africa as the continent is partially in all four hemispheres. (See How much of the African Continent is Covered with Desert?)
8. Why is most Land in the Northern Hemisphere?
Apart from explaining which hemisphere has maximum number of continents, you must know that the Northern Hemisphere is called the Land Hemisphere because of the great land masses on the planet Earth. The majority of the continents lie in the Northern Hemisphere, which includes 68% of the land area-wise, whereas, the Southern hemisphere has 32% of the Earth’s land area. Therefore, the northern hemisphere has about twice as much land and it has a huge population residing within it.
The reason for most of the land is the shape and movement of Earth’s tectonic plates, which led to the positional change of Africa and the entire Indian sub-continent, which has recently crossed the Equator, resulting in the moving of the southern landmass to the northern hemisphere. The northern hemisphere has the maximum number of continents with Asia, Europe, South America, North America, and Africa. Check out What is the Best Piece of Evidence for Plate Tectonics?
9. Which Hemisphere is Antarctica in?
The continent of Antarctica lies in the southern hemisphere, which makes up most of the Antarctic region, which is a cold and remote area. The Southern Hemisphere is nearly 20% covered by the Antarctic continent. Further, let’s find which country is in all 4 hemispheres. (See How many Countries are there in Antarctica?)
10. Which Country is in all 4 Hemispheres?
Kiribati. This country is in all 4 hemispheres, which signifies that parts of Kiribati are in the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Eastern Hemisphere, and Western Hemisphere. It is the only country or nation on earth that is situated in all four main hemispheres.
Kiribati is a small country that comprises 33 atolls and key islands, which are the Line Islands, Gilbert Islands, Banaba Islands, and the Phoenix Islands; they all lie near the Equator. The Phoenix Islands with 8 atolls located at the south of the Equator a part of the Southern Hemisphere and The Line Islands and the Gilbert Islands which consist of 16 atolls are part of the Southern and Northern hemispheres. Banaba Island is a part of the western hemisphere. (See Which Asian Country has Land within the Arctic Circle?)
11. Which Hemisphere is China in?
China is not a continent, but it is located in both the northern and eastern hemispheres. China is situated between Vietnam and North Korea, placing the country well above the equator. (Also read Is Hawaii in the Northern Hemisphere?)
12. What Hemisphere is Japan in?
Japan is a country that is located in both the northern and eastern hemispheres. Japan is located above the equatorial plane and is surrounded by rugged mountains and forests. Japan is an amazing country with a rich culture, a flourishing economy, and business power. Must read What Continent is Dubai in?
13. Which Hemisphere is USA located in?
The United States of America is transcontinental and is located in both hemispheres, both the Northern and Western hemispheres.
There are 7 continents on the earth. Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America lie in different hemispheres; the northern, southern, eastern, and western hemispheres. Most continents are located in the northern hemisphere. Therefore, the northern hemisphere is a large area both geographically and heavily populated.
The hemisphere plays a vital role in describing the seasonal change as the northern hemisphere is warmer and has summer during June, whereas the southern hemisphere gets warmer after December. Hope you understood which hemisphere has maximum number of continents, which continents are in both hemispheres, and which continent is partially in all four hemispheres. (See How Many Countries Share a Border with Germany?)