As per an estimate, there are almost 7,151 languages spoken today, of which 40% of languages have left only 1000 or fewer speakers. However, in the list of most spoken languages in the world, Spanish holds the top 4th place. Do you know Spanish? If not, you need not worry. We are here to teach you how do you say numbers 1 to 30 in Spanish. Read till the end to learn what does thirteen mean in Spanish and how you spell 13 in Spanish.
1. Who Speaks Spanish?
It is regarded as the Romance language of the Indo-European language family, which evolved from the colloquial Latin spoken in the Iberian Peninsula, Europe. From then till now, it has traveled a long path, and today it is a global language with more than 500 native speakers. Spanish is mostly spoken in America and Spain. It is the official language of 20 countries. (See 6 Official Languages of UN)
2. What are Spanish Alphabets?
The series of Spanish alphabets is known as abecedario or alfabeto. There are 27 letters in the series with 22 consonants and 5 vowels. Most letters are the same as English alphabets, but there is an additional letter ñ in the series. Take a look at the Spanish alphabet below:
Alphabet | Pronunciation | Alphabet | Pronunciation |
A | a | N | ene |
B | be | O | o |
C | ce | P | pe |
D | de | Q | cu |
E | e | R | erre |
F | efe | S | ese |
G | ge | T | te |
H | hache | U | u |
I | i | V | uve |
J | jota | W | uve doble |
K | ka | X | equis |
L | ele | Y | i griega or ye |
M | eme | Z | zeta |
3. How do You Say Numbers 1 to 30 in Spanish?
You call numbers in Spanish numerous, derived from the Indo-Arabic numerical system. As for numbers 1 to 30 in Spanish, it will be said numero uno a treinta. They follow a simple rule, and here is the list of numbers and how they are pronounced in English. You are close to knowing what to call 13 in Spanish. (See How Do You Say 12:30 In Spanish?)
Number | Pronunciation | Syllables | Number | Pronunciation | Syllables |
1 | Uno | oo-no | 16 | Dieciseis | dee-eh-see-say-es |
2 | Dos | dohs | 17 | Diecisiete | dee-eh-see-eh-teh |
3 | Tres | trehs | 18 | Dieciocho | dee-eh-see-oh-choh |
4 | Cuatro | koo-ah-troh | 19 | Diecinueve | dee-eh-see-noo-eh-veh |
5 | Cinco | seen-coh | 20 | Veinte | bey-en-teh |
6 | Seis | say-es | 21 | Veintiuno | bey-en-ti-oo-no |
7 | Siete | see-eh-teh | 22 | Veintidos | bey-en-te-dos |
8 | Ocho | oh-choh | 23 | Veintitres | bey-en-ti-tres |
9 | Nueve | noo-eh-veh | 24 | Veinticuatro | bey-en-ti- koo-ah-troh |
10 | Diez | dee-ehs | 25 | Veinticinco | bey-en-ti-seen-coh |
11 | Once | on-say | 26 | Veintiseis | bey-en-ti-say-es |
12 | Doce | doh-say | 27 | Veintisiete | bey-en-ti- see-eh-teh |
13 | Trece | trey-say | 28 | Veintiocho | bey-en-ti- oh-choh |
14 | Catorce | ka-tohr-say | 29 | Veintinueve | bey-en-ti- noo-eh-veh |
15 | Quince | keen-say | 30 | Treinta | trey-inta |
4. What does Thirteen Mean in Spanish?
In the Spanish language, the term for thirteen (13) is trece. Except for Tuesday the 13th, no such events or misconceptions are associated with the number 13 in Spanish. It is just a simple vocabulary word that can be either called trece, which is thirteen, or numero trece, which means number thirteen. (See What is the Latin for Sunshine?)
5. What are Days of the Week Called in Spanish?
After learning about what to call 13 in Spanish, it will be interesting to know about the week in Spanish. Considering the days in a week, the term week is called semana, weekdays are called días laborables, and the weekend is called fin de semana. Spanish week has seven days, just like any other country or culture. Their names are as follows:
Days in English | Days in Spanish | Pronunciation |
Monday | Lunes | loon-es |
Tuesday | Martes | mar-tes |
Wednesday | Miercoles | mee-air-co-les |
Thursday | Jueves | hueh-ves |
Friday | Viernes | vee-air-nes |
Saturday | Sabado | sah-bah-doh |
Sunday | Domingo | do-meen-go |
6. Why is Tuesday 13 in Spanish Unlucky?
Every culture has some traditional beliefs that have been carried on for centuries. One such belief in Spain is Tuesday the 13th which is considered unlucky. The Spanish word for Tuesday is Martes, derived from Mars, the planet, or Mars the God of War. Therefore, Spaniards (a native of Spain) associated Tuesday the 13th with war, destruction, death, violence, and blood. (See How do you say Happy New Year in Spanish?)
7. What do Other Days of the Week Resemble in Spanish?
The names of the days of the week are derived mostly from Roman or Greek mythology. Here are the days’ list and the terms they are derived from.
- Lunes (Monday): The term Monday was derived from the Greek word moon, and the Spanish word lunes derived from the word Spanish word Luna, which means Moon. So, Monday is the moon day.
- Martes (Tuesday): The English word Tuesday originated from Tyr, the Norse God of War. Similarly, Martes is for Mars, the Roman God of War. Tuesday is the day for declaring war. However, if the 13th is not Tuesday, 13 in Spanish is not related to anything terrible.
- Miercoles (Wednesday): According to the Roman pantheon (temple) of Gods and the names of planets, the term Miercoles is used for Mercury, the Roman God of Messages and Communication. So, Wednesdays are message days.
- Jueves (Thursday): In English, Thursday is Thor Day, but in Spanish, the term jueves is used for Jupiter. Both convey the same meaning here. Thursday means to jump from the thunder.
- Viernes (Friday): The Spanish term for Friday is Viernes, derived from a Roman deity, Venus, also the name of a planet. Venus is the Roman God of Love. Friday is the love day or date night.
- Sabado (Saturday): The Spanish term Sabado stands for Sabbath from the Christian term, which means a day of rest. Saturday is the first day of the weekend. Saturday is for taking a break.
- Domingo (Sunday): The root word for the Spanish term Domingo is the Latin word Domenica. This word also has a Biblical root that means The Lord’s Day. Sunday is the day of the Lord.