What do you mean by eyebrow slits, and what causes it?
A slit in the eyebrow is like a cut in the eyebrow hair which could occur naturally if a person suffered lacerations in that specific area. They usually appear as the remnants of an injury.
Do people make eyebrow slits intentionally?
Some kids have started following the trend of making eyebrow slits or cuts by shaving tiny lines into their eyebrows.
Why do kids shave a line in eyebrows?
In an attempt to make themselves look hardcore, intimidating, and just to follow the trend. Eyebrow slits might influence young kid’s friends or acquaintances; they digest that idea; they follow and attach it to their self-image. They want to perceive their aura as calm, sexy, and courageous. Also, kids get influenced by seeing several celebrities doing so, which tempts them to adopt the practice. (See What do eyebrow slits represent?)
Do eyebrow slits grow back normal?
The hair will definitely grow back. For some people, it may take a month for the hair to grow fully, while for some, it may take a maximum of up to 2 months. However, it is never recommended to tweeze the brows. Tweezing could affect your brow’s hair growth and cause it to take a lot longer to grow back.