Earth is a place where a lot of geographical patterns coexist. There are rivers, valleys, plateaus, plains, deltas, and even volcanoes that exist with human life. We never tend to care about any of these but have you ever given it a thought that the planet is huge and there is not just one of these that exists? There are so many rivers or valleys or deltas in existence. In this article, we will focus on discussing the deltas. So, is Sundarban the largest delta in the world? Let’s get started. We will majorly cover- which is the largest delta of the world and the world famous largest delta in India.
1. Which is the Largest Delta of the World?
First of all, are you aware of what a delta is? A delta is a wetland that forms as a river empties its water and sediments into another water body like the ocean, lake, or river. Another very uncommon thing is that deltas can empty into the land. Now, can you guess which is the largest delta of the world? Is Sundarban the largest delta in the world? Well, the Ganges delta located in the south Asian region of Bangladesh, and India is the world’s largest delta. (See What is the Largest Saltwater Lake in the World?)
2. Is Sundarban the Largest Delta in the World?
If the Ganges delta is the world’s largest delta, then what about the Sundarban delta? Is Sundarban the largest delta in the world or in India? Well, the Ganges- Brahmaputra delta which is known as the Sundarban delta is the largest delta in the world.
Yes, Ganges and Sundarban deltas are the same and it is the largest delta in the world and in India. It is situated where the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers discharge into the Bay of Bengal. It is, with a surface area of some 10,000 sq. km, the world’s largest delta. (See What is Importance of Plains?)
3. Which is the Second Largest Delta in the World?
Okay, we discovered the largest delta of the world. Now, do you know which is the second-largest delta in the world? Okavango delta which is otherwise known as the Okavango swamp is the second largest delta in the world. Located in northern Botswana, it is formed when water from the Angolan highlands flows onto the Okavango River and reaches a tectonic trough in the central Kalahari Desert, where it empties and evaporates without ever reaching the ocean. (See What is the Largest Glacier in the World?)
4. Which is the Third Largest Delta in the World?
If we have discussed the first and second largest deltas, let’s find out the third largest as well. The Mekong River delta in Vietnam is the third largest delta. The delta covers an area of about 60,000 km square which comprises a dense network of canals and barriers. The delta is home to almost 20 million people and an important region for food security in South East Asia. (See What are Parts of a River System?)
5. Which is the Smallest Delta of the World?
If you look for an answer on the internet, they say the Sundarban delta is the smallest delta in the world. And the reason behind this answer is that Sundarbans is huge in terms of area but when located on the map, it is the smallest. Isn’t it hilarious! But this isn’t the correct answer. The right answer is the Mississippi Delta in America. (See Which River is Smallest in the Length?)
6. Which is the Second Largest Delta in India?
We now know the largest delta of the world and in India. But which is the second largest delta in India? The broad deltaic plain which is framed by two huge east coast waterways, Krishna and Godavari in the territory of Andhra Pradesh and the adjoining regions of the Bay of Bengal is known as the second largest delta in India. (See What is the Largest Man-made Lake in USA?)
7. What is the Largest Delta in India?
The world’s largest delta is also India’s largest delta. Is Sundarban the largest delta in the world and in India? Yes, it is the Ganges- Brahmaputra delta or what we call the Sundarbans delta. It covers most of Bangladesh and the state of West Bengal. It empties its water into the Bay of Bengal. (See How has the Removal of Wetlands Impacted Rivers and Streams?)
8. What is the World Famous Largest Delta in India?
The world’s largest delta is situated in India. Is Sundarban the largest delta in the world and the world famous largest delta in India as well? Yes, it is Sundarbans. Sundarbans is the world famous largest delta which is the most forested region, fully controlled by the vast Ganga- Brahmaputra-Meghna river. In the current times, the majority of the Sundarbans Delta is now covered by a large mangrove ecosystem, and it remains the largest in the world although there is a significant historical decline in forest cover. (See What is the Smallest Island in the World?)
9. Why Bangladesh is called Delta?
We all know Bangladesh as a country, right? But why Bangladesh is called delta? The simple reason might be because the Ganges delta which is also known as the Bengal delta, is situated in the regions of Bangladesh and most of the land in Bangladesh is delta-type. (See How are Levees Beneficial to Human Settlements?)
10. Which is the Largest River without Delta in India?
Do all the rivers form deltas? If not, then which is the largest river without a delta in India? Well, the answer is Narmada River. Narmada is India’s largest river that does not form any delta. The Narmada and the Tapi both originate from Central India and fall into the Arabian Sea. Both these rivers, that is Narmada and Tapi form estuaries without creating deltas.
Narmada originates from Narmada Kund and flows east to west and ultimately falls into the Gulf of Khambhat in the Arabian Sea. The rigorous water action of the Gulf removes all the sediment deposited by the Narmada and so, no delta is formed.
Everything natural contains a beauty of its own and thousands of meandering streams, creeks, rivers, and estuaries have enhanced Sundarban’s charm. The natural habitat and innumerable species seen in that land are nowhere else to be seen. In this article we established Sundarbans as the largest delta in the world and in India, we discussed its reasons for being the world famous delta and why even a physically established country like Bangladesh is known as a delta. Hope we could be of help and that you really enjoyed this piece of article. (See What are the Rivers that flow South to North?)