Tigers are the largest living cat species on Earth. They are fierce and one of the strongest animals too. So does a lion. Both lion and tiger rule the jungle. Did you know that they both do not exist together in the same habitat? Isn’t it an interesting fact? So, this article is going to talk about some more interesting facts like this. You will learn about the speed of tigers and how fast are tigers. Both lions and tigers have some special abilities which are going to get discussed here. You will see which animal of the two has a stronger bite force. So, do not miss this article and read it till the last for some amazing facts.
1. How Fast are Tigers?
Do you know how fast are tigers? Let’s know it here. Tigers are known to catch speeds anywhere between 48 km/h (30mph) and 65 km/h (40mph). Although they weigh hundreds of pounds, they are faster animals. But they have been known to maintain this speed only for a short period of time, unlike cheetahs or lions which can run at a high speed for longer durations.
2. Can Tigers Run 60 mph?
I bet you would be interested to know the answer to how fast are tigers and whether can tigers run 60 mph or not. Tigers can run 60mph but all tigers cannot run 60 mph because it consumes too much energy. But occasionally, Siberian tigers can reach the top speed of 60 mph and their running speed can be 50 mph and they can reach this in short bursts too. Although their weight ranges from 400 lbs. to 550 lbs., they are capable of reaching this milestone.
3. How Fast is the Fastest Tiger in the World?
Since you have already seen how fast are tigers, let’s discuss the fastest tiger here. The last pointer which was- whether can tigers run 60 mph would have given you some idea about the fastest tiger in the world. The fastest tiger in the world is the Siberian Tiger with a top speed of 60 miles per hour. Although they reach this speed occasionally, they have been known to run the fastest. They are followed by Bengal tigers who have a speed of 40 mph. Check out How Fast can a Wolf Run?
4. Which Tiger is the Fastest Tiger?

The Siberian tiger is the fastest tiger in the world with a speed of 60 mph.
5. How High can a Tiger Jump?
A tiger can jump as high as 18-20 feet. This astonishing feat is achieved by a tiger because of its large size. Yes, they can even jump up to the height of 20 feet in full flight. They only do this when there is a desperate need to do so.
6. Who is Faster Tiger or Lion?
We have already covered the topic of how fast are tigers, so this pointer would be an interesting one to draw a comparison between the speed of a lion and a tiger. A lion is considered faster than a tiger because a lion’s speed is more than that of a tiger. A lion can achieve a speed of 50 miles per hour. So, it can cover a distance of around 81 kilometers in an hour.
But a tiger can only achieve a speed of 40 miles per hour which is less than that of a lion. This makes them cover a distance of 64 kilometers in an hour, which is relatively lesser than that of a lion. The next pointer will discuss which animal has a stronger bite force. Read Do Lions Eat Tigers?
7. Who has the Stronger Bite Force Lion or Tiger?
Tiger has a stronger bite force than a lion and the difference is comparatively half. A lion has a bite force of 650 PSI while a tiger’s bite force is 1050 PSI, which is almost twice that of a lion. Tigers are also one of the finest predators in the animal kingdom and can fight their prey alone.
8. What is the Lion Afraid Of?
Lions, although very brave, can be afraid of many things. Some of them are mentioned below:
- Humans: Lions are afraid of humans and tend to avoid going near their camps and homesteads. This is because there is a higher chance of getting killed by a poacher near these areas.
- Giraffe: Lions are afraid of giraffes because of their height. A giraffe can easily kick a lion because their long legs are very strong and would even hurt a lion very badly. So, they avoid going near a giraffe or try to be careful around them.
- Elephants: Elephants are the largest animal in the animal kingdom. An adult elephant is almost ten times larger than a lion and so, it is quite understandable why lions are afraid of them. Even a single kick of an elephant would prove to be deadly for a lion.
- Snakes: Although lions are not afraid of snakes, they tend to be highly careful around them. Lions are aware of the venom that a snake’s bite has which they are not immune to. So, they tend to chase them away from their habitat.
9. What Animal can Beat a Tiger?
Elephants can easily beat a tiger and so, tigers are afraid of them. It is way much larger than a tiger and also has tusks, which obviously have some perks. The trunk of an elephant is also strong enough to wreak havoc on a tiger. So, tigers tend to stay away from elephants and do not get into a fight too.
10. Can a Man Fight a Tiger?
Yes, a man can fight a tiger with a spear. But it is highly based on luck. It is not assured if the man will win or not because it is easy for a tiger to beat a man in a fight. (Also read What are Some Animals and What they Represent?)