Source of livelihood
Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for everyone in the world. Farmers grow, and we all eat. Whether it is sugar, cotton, wood, oil, milk, rice, wheat, vegetables, fruits, or any other commodity, agriculture is the primary source of raw materials for almost all eatable products. Even the pharmaceutical industries, plastic, petrol/diesel units, incredibly rely on agriculture.
Contributes to National Revenue
Whether it is a developed country or a developing nation, agriculture contributes significantly to the country’s national income. The exports of agricultural products play a vital role in adding to national revenue.
Importance in international trade
Many raw materials produced with the help of agricultural practices are exported to other countries. It overall boosts the countries economy by exporting a product that is available in bulk within your country and making it available to the country experiencing a deficit in that particular product. For instance, Rice is the most cultivated crop in India, and it exports rice to many countries, including UAE, Canada, the USA, and many others.
Create employment opportunities
It creates substantial employment opportunities by providing work to labourers to construct irrigation schemes, drainage systems, and other activities in the agricultural sector. It helps in reducing the rate of unemployment, especially in developing countries. Agriculture is turning to be a thriving sector, and that’s why many investors are looking forward to investing in agricultural lands rather than investing in other areas.
Heals the environment
The entire agriculture sector is environment friendly as it does not cause any pollution or release any substance that is harmful to the environment. Instead, it helps heal and remove the already existing toxins in the atmosphere by benefitting the soil, air, and water. Having more biodiversity will boost ecosystem productivity and create species diversity, ensuring natural sustainability for all life forms.
It drives innovation in technology
In the past few years, the agricultural sector has witnessed some of the most exciting innovations in technology. Farmers have evaluated the techniques to increase crop productivity through blockchain software, artificial intelligence, gene manipulation.
7Significance in Transport
Ample products are transported by railways, roadways, farms to factories, and ultimately reach the end-user. In the case of exports, waterways and facilitate the transportation of goods from one country to another. Hence, the revenue for the transportation sector significantly depends on agriculture.
Marketable Surplus
A substantial expansion of marketable surplus has been witnessed in the agricultural sector with agricultural activities from the past two decades.
Economic Development
Agriculture creates and promotes extensive employment opportunities, making the entire nation prosper. Moreover, it increases the national income, improves the standard of living, and leads to a better lifestyle. (See How the invention of cars affected the economy?)
Food security
Sustainable agricultural practices are the mantra for ensuring a nation of food security. Suppose a country is assured that it will never experience a shortage of food supply. In that case, it will eradicate all problems related to malnourishment, which is experienced in some developing or underdeveloped nations. (See Why is Egypt a developing country?)