Since your childhood, you might have known that whenever you encounter a shooting star in the night sky, you have to make a wish. Shooting stars are actually meteors, dust or debris which burn up in the earth’s atmosphere, creating bright streaks in the night sky. However, it is good luck to see a shooting star as people say that these are connected to gods, the spiritual world and much more. You may encounter shooting stars having different colours among which the blue shooting stars grab our attention more being rare and much more magnificent. So, what does it symbolises? Read the article to learn the blue shooting star meaning and other facts related to it.
1. What does a Shooting Star Symbolize?
Primarily, a shooting star isn’t a star as it is a meteor or debris from space that enters the earth’s atmosphere making a bright spark for a certain period of time. During the 1800s, shooting stars were considered a phenomenon similar to lightning. However, people from different cultures made it prominent to wish when you see a shooting star. This is none other than a superstition.
In the second century, Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer hypothesised that it was the god who was parting from heaven and hence it was a symbol of gods looking down at the earth. It was then believed that if you made a request or wish, it would be heard and granted. This superstition exists to date. This was really exciting for all of us as we raised our hopes high and dreamt of our wish coming true. Even when you knew about shooting stars from your science classes, you probably never stopped wishing for it. (See What is Difference between Star and Planet?)
2. What Color is a Shooting Star?
Shooting stars are usually bright and white. However, they are meteors, also known as a fallen star, which contain several elements that get burnt up as they enter the earth’s atmosphere and results in emitting different colours. For example, if a meteor has more amount of calcium, the shooting star would look violet. When a shooting star is green, it means that the meteor is high in magnesium.
3. What is a Blue Shooting Star?
Shooting stars or fallen stars have different colours which depend upon two things, the composition of elements present in them and the speed of their moving. Meteors or shooting stars have vibrant colours, as said earlier, it depends upon how fast it moves. The faster a shooting star moves, the more vibrant colour it would emit.
According to the American Meteorological Society (AMS), slow-moving meteors or shooting stars are usually red or orange in colour while fast-moving meteors or shooting stars are blue in colour. Hence, the blue shooting star meaning refers to the fact that its speed is quite faster than the rest of the shooting stars. (See 18 Fun facts about space)
4. What is Blue Shooting Star Meaning?
It is already known to you that it is believed that shooting stars symbolise several aspects that affect your life, spiritually. Among these, it is believed that if you encounter a bluish star, then the blue shooting star meaning would be much more effective and accurate than the others.
- Change: If you encounter such a phenomenon, the blue shooting star meaning then would be that your life is going to change as something significant and promising would occur in your life. It is as if the universe is on your side.
- Luck: It means that your wish for the blue shooting star would come true.
- Fertility: Among various cultures around the world, a shooting star means that a woman conceiving a baby would lead a happy and healthy life.
- Love: A blue shooting star is believed to make your love life better and furthermore would bring you your soulmate.
5. What does it mean When a Shooting Star is Green?
As previously discussed, call it a meteor, fireball or shooting star, the colour it emits depends upon the composition of its elements, atoms and molecular particles. When a shooting star is green, it would suggest that the meteor has a high composition of magnesium. This very element is burning up in the earth’s atmosphere and hence results in emitting green flames as it reacts to the heat. (See What do Ice and Cold Symbolize?)
6. Is it Good Luck to see a Shooting Star?

Yes, it is considered good luck to see a shooting star. During the second century, Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer theorised that a shooting star indicated that gods were observing humans. In a way, it meant that the connections between humans and gods were strong and open. This led to the humans that whatever wish you ask for, it would be granted.
7. How Rare is seeing a Shooting Star?
Shooting stars are very common and occur regularly. You cannot see a shooting star as the sky needs to be very clear to capture such an amazing moment. Meteors and debris from space enter the Earth’s atmosphere regularly. Almost one million shooting stars occur every day around the world which can be seen prominently if the sky were clear.
According to a study, there are two shooting stars every hour which can be seen if stared in the clear sky for about 20 minutes. However, the best time to capture such a moment is the night sky. This is why it is considered good luck to see a shooting star and the blue shooting star meaning is deep. Check out What are Examples of Gravity?
8. What happens if a Shooting Star hits Earth?
A shooting star rarely hits the earth. A meteor or a shooting star hardly makes it to the surface of the earth as it burns up completely in the earth’s atmosphere before reaching the surface. However, if a shooting star or meteor hits the earth, the phenomenon is known as a meteorite. As it hits the earth’s surface it makes a huge bowl shaped like a crater, that is as long as several kilometres wide.
9. How Old is a Shooting Star When You See it?
According to a study, the stars you see with your naked eye are about 4,000 light-years away. This means that the shooting stars or stars you see right now appeared in that position 4000 years old. Must read What is Meaning of Rainbow around the Sun?
10. How Long does a Shooting Star Last?
Now that you have blue shooting star meaning, let us find out their duration. Shooting stars or meteors move around 26 miles per second. The longest shooting might last about 2-3 seconds. Most of them tend to last less than a second.
11. What is a Fallen Star?
The shooting stars which are actually meteors are referred to as fallen stars. The meteors burn up and get very small, this remaining part is known as the meteorite. Sometimes you might see several shooting stars which are known as a meteor shower.
Blue shooting stars are not only magnificent to see but culturally carry many significant superstitions, one of them being to have your wish granted. The blue shooting is considered a pack of positivity as it brings good luck, and love, and brings hope in changing your life. (Also read Why is the Sun Orange Colored?)