You may do not feel anything, initially
Some survivors did not experience anything in the first few moments. Until people who are stabbed start seeing their blood coming out, they did not even realize they were even stabbed.
You feel the pressure of the arm
Some people said that you only feel the other person’s arm pressure stabbing you into your stomach.
It feels like a punch
Some of the survivors explained their feeling as similar to getting punched and then started seeing blood.
The pain kicks in later
The severity of pain kicks in after you are hospitalized after being stabbed, and that pain was described as acute.
You could feel acute pain
The pain could be so intense that it can make you unconscious. You almost feel like dying. Moreover, it’s the worst feeling that one might undergo, as per the survivor’s statements.
Hazy vision
The vision might become blurry for the victim after being stabbed or even when they are being treated.
You panic
Immediately after being stabbed, the person feels whether they will be going to survive or not. The curiosity of getting saved or not may cause panic to increase.
Panting and loss of breath
You may feel that you are losing your breath and acutely panting after you are stabbed. (See How much blood is in Your Body?)
You feel an intense heat
Some victims stated that they felt intense heat around the area where the person was stabbed. The blood coming out of that area and hitting the whole body could make them feel so.
You feel like getting an electric shock
Some of the victims also felt that after being stabbed, their bodies realized that all nerve signals would be damaged, making them feel like they were getting an electric shock. (See Why do people fall victim to scams?)