Capulet arrives to the guests
Capulet, his wife Tybalt his cousin, and Juliet arrived at the guests. Capulet then asks all of them to dance.
Romeo liked a girl
Romeo was also present there, and he liked a girl there about whom he asked from serving man.
Tybalt suspected the Montague
There he recognized the voice of Romeo and ordered his sword to be brought to him. Tybalt became really angry after hearing his voice, and the situation became dire.
Capulet calmed Tybalt down
Capulet tried to calm Tybalt down by saying that Romeo is a nice man and there is nothing to worry about or getting so angry. Capulet said that there is no need to fight with him or humiliate him.
Romeo danced with Juliet
Romeo was very happy as he got a chance to dance with Juliet. He kissed her hand and started dancing with her. (See Summary of Romeo and Juliet – Act 3 Scene 5)
Romeo left the feast
Romeo and his friends left the feast.
Juliet asked about Romeo
Juliet also liked Romeo and was concerned why did Romeo leave? She asked him her nurse and told her to find more information about him. (See Summary of Romeo and Juliet – Act 1 Scene 4)
Juliet knew Romeo is a Montague
Juliet got to know that Romeo is a Montague, and she felt terrible for that. You can see a summary of act 2 and scene 1 for more clarity on this.