Nature never fails to amaze us with its beauty and small details. Everything that you see around is unique and there are not two things same in the environment. Each creature is blessed with something or the other, which makes them distinguished from the rest. So, here in this article, you are going to look at the tiny goldfish and how they live their lives, sometimes in the pond, other times in the jar. You will get to know whether is a goldfish omnivore or not. We will also look at the lifespan of a goldfish and how it can vary according to its surroundings.
1. Are any Fish Omnivores?
Yes. Fish can be herbivorous, omnivorous, or carnivorous. Fish that eat only plant-based food and algae are herbivorous fish. Fish that eat both plants and animals as their core diet are called omnivorous fish. Carnivorous fish only eat meat and other sea animals. A few fishes that are omnivorous are Angelfish, Corydoras catfish, Goldfish, Oscars, and Mollies. (See How Long can a Starfish Live?)
2. Are all Fish Carnivores?
No, all fish are not carnivores. They are all kinds of fish- herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores.
3. Are Goldfish Carnivorous?
No, goldfish are not carnivorous. So, is goldfish omnivore? Well, they are omnivorous species. They need both plant and animal matter for healthy development and growth. Although carnivorous fish can eat plant matter, they cannot derive nutrients from it. Learn Why are Secondary Consumers called as Carnivores?
4. Is Goldfish Omnivore?
Is goldfish omnivore or is goldfish carnivorous? Let’s answer this question. Yes, goldfish is an omnivore. Omnivorous animals require both plants and animal-based food for healthy development. Goldfish eat both animal and plant matter to grow and survive. Plant matter like algae and insects like mosquito larvae are the common foods in their natural habitat. Their digestive system requires both plants and animals to function properly. The digestive tract of omnivorous fish has qualities of both herbivorous and carnivorous animals that allow them to eat and process food properly.
5. Do Goldfish Eat other Fish?
Do you have any idea whether is a goldfish omnivore and if goldfish eat other fish or not? Goldfish tend to eat only bite-sized morsels of food. They will eat almost any food that is the size of their mouth and fits into it well. But, they tend to eat other fish too. It happens when they catch a small fish or find their place too overcrowded. However, before eating other fish, they will try to chase them off in most cases.
Sometimes, when they feel their space is too overcrowded, they can eat large fish too. Although goldfish are social, they are known to eat weak or injured fish to get them out of their territory. Check out 45 Types of Fish.
6. Will a Goldfish Eat a Dead Goldfish?
Yes, a goldfish can eat a dead goldfish. They do not care about species of fish when looking for food. Anything that fits well in their mouth becomes their food. Goldfish can eat other dead goldfish as a way to remove them from their territory and clean up their space in the tank. They are not predators, but they are always hungry and in search of food. So, there is a higher chance of them eating other fish as well.
7. Do Goldfish have Brains?

Yes, goldfish do have brains. It is located at the front of its spine, above the eyes, and at the top of the head. The size of their brain is similar to the size of their eyes. It is actually quite small compared to a human brain. They are intelligent creatures and have a good memory. They are known to remember things and have a memory span of at least 5 months. Their attention span is around 9 seconds. Goldfish can be well-trained just like other animals. (See What Eats a Fish?)
8. Can a Goldfish Bite You?
Yes, a goldfish can bite you. They have small teeth in their mouths for crushing and grinding food. So, if you stick your finger in their tank, they are likely to bite you but you will not feel any pain. Their bite is usually nipping. Since they are always hungry and look around for food, they may try to eat anything that they see in their tank and it can be your finger too. But once they realize that it is not food, they will swim away.
9. Do Goldfish Eat their own Poop?
Usually, goldfish do not eat their own poop and most of the time it happens by accident. But when they are extremely hungry, they can mistake it for food and eat it. Since they are scavengers, they tend to eat anything that fits their mouth, including their own poop.
10. What’s the Lifespan of a Goldfish?
The lifespan of a goldfish can vary depending upon the environment that they live in and their look after. On average, the lifespan of a goldfish is about 5-10 years. If the goldfish live in a poor environment, they may only survive for a few days or weeks. But when they are given a proper environment and looked after well, they may survive for even more than 10 years. Their lifespan can decrease in a bowl and they may only live up to two years, even when provided with proper care.
11. Are there Herbivore Fish?
Besides wondering whether is a goldfish omnivore or not, note that there are indeed some herbivore fish. They only eat plant-based food as their digestive tract is not meant to process animal-based foods. Herbivore fish is 5% of the total fish species. Most of them live in coral reefs and only 30% of them are marine. Some examples of herbivore fish are parrotfish, damselfish, and surgeonfish.