Ark is an action-survival video game developed by Studio Wildcard that is truly winning hearts. In the game, players are stranded to survive on one of the several maps that are existing, filled with fictional characters such as dinosaurs, monsters, etc. The current Day, Time, Location, and Temperature are displayed in the upper left corner. Now you may wonder how long is a day in Ark or what is a 24 hour cycle in Ark. Read to know more!
1. How Long is 1 Hour in Ark?
One minute in the game is 2 sec. You will be even more surprised because an hour in the game is only 2 minutes. (See Why some people don’t like video games?)
2. How Long is a Day in Ark? How Long is a 24-Hour Cycle in Ark?

The actual day and night cycle on Ark lasts for one hour (in normal settings) which basically means that if you shoot one of the fictional characters at 8:30 pm in-game time, then in one hour in real-time.
3. How Long is a Night in Ark?
NightTimeSpeedScale = 1.000000.
It explains the time-scale scaling factor for the night-time in the ARK. This value establishes how long each night is in relation to how long each day is (as determined by DayTimeSpeedScale). The length of each night is lengthened by decreasing this value). Must read What is the Risk of Rain 2 Huntress?
4. How do You make the Night go faster in Ark?
Go to the advanced page, scroll down to the day/night settings, and input a value for the night that feels right to you in the game’s slider options. It generally refers to the % of the speed, therefore a value of 2.0 would make the speed double, a value of 0.5 would make the speed 2x slower, etc.
5. How do You make Day longer in Ark?
Since you are aware of how long is a day in Ark, you can now extend the time. Go to your game server’s dashboard after logging into the TCAdmin interface. On the left, pick Game Services. Then, choose the server you wish to change by expanding Game and Voice Management if necessary. To help with this, you may find information about each setting in the section below. (Also read How many Rockets for Sheet Metal Wall are Required to Break it?)
6. Why is the Sky Red in Ark?
It basically is an island or video game version of heatwaves. On Extinction, the sky will become red as a meteor shower begins, which is released by King Titan, thus pelting the entire map with flaming stones.
7. Is Ark Survival evolved hard?
The game Ark can’t be finished in a few sessions. Even without the time required to recover from raids or dinosaur assaults, the game can take close to a hundred hours to complete just by leveling up. The best approach to playing Ark is to choose a safe area and gradually level up. (See Which Games can Help you Develop your History Board Game Project Ideas?)
8. How often does it Rain in Ark?
Yes, it does rain in Ark wherein water comes from anywhere outside. Rain also causes the island’s temperature to drop, albeit just by 3-5 °C or 5-10 °F.