“Doctor Cha” is a 16-episode drama that aired on JTBC from April 15 to June 4, 2023. It stars Uhm Jung-hwa as Cha Jeong-suk, a housewife who decides to return to medical school after 20 years to complete her residency training. The drama follows her journey as she joins the hospital where her cheating husband Seo In-ho (Kim Byung-chul) works as a surgeon.
1. Who is Doctor Cha’s Husband?
Her husband, Seo In-ho, is a successful chief surgeon at the hospital where Jeong-suk originally did her medical residency. Over the years, In-ho has become increasingly cold and distant from his wife.
2. Why Did In-ho Not Donate His Liver?
When Jeong-suk suddenly collapses and is diagnosed with a life-threatening liver condition, the handsome doctor Roy Kim performs her transplant surgery. In-ho (her husband) was initially going to donate part of his liver since he was a compatible match, but his mother objected and wanted them to wait for a brain-dead donor instead. But Jeong-suk did end up getting a liver transplant from an unspecified donor by the end of episode.
3. What Made Her to Restart the Medial Residency?
After recovering from a health scare and liver transplant, Cha felt unfulfilled with just being a housewife. She is inspired to restart her medical residency at age 48. She returns to the hospital to train under her husband In-ho.
4. In-ho Tried to Ruin Her Residency
In-ho is having a long-term affair with another doctor named Choi Seung-hi. Initially, In-ho and Seung-hi try to sabotage Jeong-suk’s medical career. However, Jeong-suk perseveres through various challenges with the encouragement of Dr. Roy Kim.
She struggles with the demanding workload and expectations as the oldest first-year resident. Still, Jeong-suk connects emotionally with patients in ways the younger doctors cannot due to her life experience. Over time, Jeong-suk earns the respect of the hospital staff and patients.
5. Truth Comes Out About Her Husband Affair
However, tensions escalate after she discovers proof of her husband’s affair with Seung-hi. They have a secret daughter conceived when In-ho was still dating Jeong-suk years ago.
Jeong-suk is devastated but resolves to continue pursuing her medical dreams despite her crumbling marriage. In-ho desperately promises to end things with Seung-hi and change, but Jeong-suk refuses to tolerate his infidelity anymore.
6. Does Doctor Cha Divorce In-ho?
After confronting Seung-hi, Jeong-suk meets with divorce lawyers. Meanwhile, her son Jung-min makes a grave medical error that puts his career at risk. Although In-ho begs forgiveness, Jeong-suk cannot move past his betrayal.
She pushes forward with the divorce despite opposition from In-ho, their children, and his mother.
7. Who Does Dr Cha End Up With?
Jeong-suk finds solace in her deepening bond with Dr. Roy Kim. Still, she turns down his subtle advances out of respect for herself and her journey of independence.
Three years later, Jeong-suk continues thriving as a doctor while running her own clinic and cafe. She treats patients while serving healthy food and drinks. Jeong-suk has found purpose and happiness living life on her own terms.
8. Is ‘Doctor Cha’ Worth Watching?
Jung-hwa delivers an incredible lead performance, portraying Jeong-suk as determined yet vulnerable as she struggles against societal expectations, sexism and ageism in pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor. The drama balances humor and heartwarming moments with thoughtful commentary on these timely themes.
The first half of the series is especially strong, with tight writing balancing medical cases, workplace politics and family drama with a lighthearted wit. However, the show loses steam in a weaker second half bogged down by a repetitive divorce subplot and some underdeveloped character arcs. Uneven directing results in odd tonal shifts, while rushed final episodes fail to stick the landing after a promising setup.
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But despite its flaws, Doctor Cha still resonates thanks to Jung-hwa’s captivating central performance and the ultimate triumph of Jeong-suk’s inspirational independence. With its timely themes and emotional highs, the show succeeds as a ratings hit even if the writing becomes uneven. Doctor Cha earns 3.5 out of 5 stars.