Who is an innie, and who is an outie?
As the name suggests, innie is a person having the belly button go inward. It looks as if you have a little dent in your stomach. Whereas in case the belly button of a person sticks out. It might look as if a little knot of your skin is sticking out from the belly.
Are innies more common than outies?
Evidently, innies are way too common than outies. Mostly, babies with certain medical conditions are more likely to have outies as it is a big possibility that their medical conditions affect their belly button.
How are belly buttons formed?
The belly button represents the place that used once connected you to your mother via the umbilical cord. The time you are born, soon after the operation, doctors cut the umbilical cord. Once the process is followed, you are left with a small piece called an umbilical stump. After a couple of weeks, the stump automatically falls off, leading to the emergence of a belly button. (See Is an Outie Belly Button a Hernia?)
What medical conditions are responsible for making a person become an outie?
4.1 Umbilical Granuloma
It causes the extra tissue of your belly to form a belly button stamp, leading it to become an outie. One of the other reasons for forming an outie belly button is that umbilical granuloma puts extraordinary pressure on the belly. One can get rid of this condition by following a proper treatment with topical applications helping to remove the superfluous skin.
In some cases, it was found that the adults who got their bellies pierced are also likely to get umbilical granuloma.4.2 Umbilical Hernia
It is when abdomen muscles do not grow the way they should, especially around the belly button. Umbilical hernia causes the baby’s abdominal wall to weaken, leading the intestines to come out through the abdominal wall and push on the belly button.
Can belly buttons be changed later?
In a few medical conditions and situations, it has been noticed that the belly buttons of a person can change later in their lives. These conditions include:
- Pregnancy- The belly button may pop out due to the increased size of the uterus
- Ascites- When people are suffering from the kidneys or liver disorder, fluid gets accumulated in the peritoneal cavity.
- Hepatosplenomegaly- An enlargement of the liver and spleen
Can you become an innie if you are an outie or vice-versa?
If you do not like your belly button, there comes surgery to reconstruct your belly button’s appearance. The procedure is called umbilicoplasty, which is performed similarly to other cosmetic procedures, such as abdominoplasty or tummy tuck.
While performing umbilicoplasty, doctors use numbing medications so that patients do not feel anything. This procedure involves using multiple minor incisions and sews them together to create a new belly button altogether.
Is it possible for a person to born without a belly button?
In rare scenarios, it is observed that they do not have any belly buttons. It might be because of certain abnormalities such as bladder exstrophy, omphalocele, gastroschisis, or cloacal exstrophy.
The umbilical cord is profoundly affected if a person experienced any of the conditions mentioned above. These conditions make the intestines from the abdominal wall, which makes the umbilical cord does not fall off. That’s why it does not lead to the formation of traditional scarring that further creates a belly button.
Other interesting facts
- The formation of the belly button has nothing to do with your genetics nor with weight or stomach size.
- A study was conducted, and it was found that only 4% of the people in the world have an outie belly button.
- According to the University of Missouri, the researchers claimed that an ideal belly button is a small, vertical, T-shaped navel with a little flap of the overlying skin.
- It is quite risky to pierce your belly, so you ought to think twice before taking such an action. As it can make you vulnerable to several infections
- It is not important to vigorously scrub your belly button to wash it. It would be enough if you take a regular shower and your belly is meeting up with the soap.
![Are You an Innie or an Outie? Knowledge](https://www.speeli.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/knowledge.jpg)