We live in an environment that has numerous physical features. They complete the environment in a way that we don’t even notice. There are types of physical environment that are present on the Earth and each of them has its own unique characteristics. These included the 10 features of physical environment that are the most important parts of the physical environment and organisms cannot survive without them.
1. What is Physical Environment?
The physical environment is the place where individuals live. It is the place around us where we work, play, eat, and do all the things that are of day-to-day importance. The physical environment consists of everything that we see around us and it comprises both living and non-living objects. The things that comprise the physical environment around us are humans, air, water, sun, soil, trees, animals, sounds, houses, vehicles, insects, and so on. The physical environment is everywhere. Nobody is capable of surviving without it. In the next segments, you will see the major 10 features of physical environment, so stay tuned. (See What is the Water Cycle in Order?)
2. What are the Most Important Parts of the Physical Environment?
The physical environment consists of many things. Some are of importance while others are not. The things that are important to make the place habitable for every one of us are:
- Soil: The soil in the environment is of utmost importance to everyone. Without the soil, we will not be able to survive. The plants and crops grow in soil that fulfills the demand for food for the majority of the population.
- Water: Water is a very essential part of the physical environment. All life forms are able to survive on the planet because of the presence of water. Humans need water for each and every activity, no matter how mundane. Life is impossible on Earth without water.
- Air: Who is capable of surviving without air and oxygen? No one. Without air, life is impossible on earth. From small insects to huge animals, the air is required by all. We are blessed to have fresh air in our environment.
- Trees: Trees support the environment in numerous ways and it is nearly impossible to survive without one. They produce oxygen and take in all the toxins present in the air and help in air purification. Trees provide fruits and vegetables that provide energy to live and work.
- Sunlight: Sunlight is a very important thing necessary to live life. It provides warmth and energy. Trees and plants make their own food using sunlight. Without sunlight, life on earth would become very difficult.
To know about the 10 features of physical environment in more detail, let’s read the next section. (See What Time of Day is Solar Intensity Greatest?)
3. What are 10 Features of Physical Environment?
The 10 features of physical environment are:
- Air: Air is one of the most important among the 10 features of physical environment. It supports life on Earth and without air, survival is impossible. Every organism on the planet needs air to survive.
- Soil: Soil is a base that supports life on Earth. It is a very important feature needed for survival. All the vegetation grows on it and numerous organisms live in the soil. It acts as a water purifier too.
- Water: Without water, surviving for even a day is impossible on Earth. Water is required for almost every activity, no matter how small. It is one of the most important features that makes life possible on earth.
- Trees: Trees are important because they support many life forms and provide us with food. They release oxygen that is necessary for survival. Without trees, no organism can live.
- Animals: Animals are important because they balance the ecosystem. They maintain a stable environment. Even we are dependent on the animals and they are dependent on us.
- Climate: Climate is a very important feature of the environment that makes it worth living. The different climatic conditions support different life forms and make space for many organisms.
- Vegetation: Vegetation is a very important thing needed for survival. It provides the food that we eat and the energy that we get to do all the activities necessary for survival.
- Landforms: Landforms are the different types of surfaces that are present on the Earth. It affects the survival of species in that region. Different types of landforms are mountains, deserts, hills, plateaus, valleys, etc.
- Temperature: Temperature is a necessary factor in any environment. It has to be balanced and stable so that the organisms can live and survive without many hardships.
- Sunlight: Sunlight holds the utmost importance among the 10 features of physical environment as it is considered the source of all lights that the organisms are blessed to have. The light from the sun provides the energy needed to perform everyday activities.
4. What are the 3 Types of Physical Environment?
The three types of physical environment are:
- Prehistoric Natural Physical Environments: Before 2.3 billion years ago, the Earth did not have the complex animal life as it does today. During that time, simple single-celled organisms existed that could survive in those harsh conditions. The physical environment and the 10 features of physical environment of that time were very different from what it is today. The earth was completely covered with the ocean.
- Natural Physical Environments Since Human Evolution: The first modern human was born around 190,000 years ago. The earth had changed and the physical environment could support the needs of humans. The climate and temperatures became stable and new life forms also started to emerge. Physical environments such as deserts, tundra, and tropical rainforests started to form around the world that supported new life forms.
- Human-Made Physical Environments: As humans progressed and started to do things according to their needs, they started creating new structures. Anything from palaces and forts to markets came under man-made physical environments. Humans started destroying natural environments such as forests to make new developments or to modify their types of physical environment.
5. What is an Example of Physical Environment?
Besides the 10 features of physical environment, a good example of the physical environment is our home. It is the place where we spend most of the time and do all the work. The surroundings of our home complete the physical environment and the components present are needed too in our day-to-day lives. (See What is the Difference between Tropical and Polar Regions?)
6. What can You mean by Physical Features?
The physical features of the environment consist of the things that are part of the environment. The 10 features of physical environment such as air, water, soil, trees, vegetation, animals, landforms, climate, and so on, are the things that complete our environment. These are the physical features of the environment that are necessary to make life possible. (See Top 10 Major Mountain Ranges of the World)
7. What are 4 Physical Features?
The four important physical features from the list of the 10 features of physical environment are:
- Air: Air is the primary physical feature of any environment. Without it, nobody will ever be able to survive. From small organisms to large animals, the air is needed by all to survive. It is needed by plants and trees to prepare their food.
- Soil: Soil plays an important role in sustaining the natural environment. It provides a base where all plants and vegetation grow. Soil purifies the water and protects us against natural calamities like floods. It provides a habitat for many organisms and acts as an ecosystem.
- Water: Water is one of the very basic necessities needed to survive. It is required by all living beings on Earth. From animals to trees, water is something that supports life for everyone. We need water even for very mundane activities and it makes life possible on the planet.
- Trees: Trees are a part of the physical environment. They support many life forms. The trees provide oxygen which is the first and basic thing needed to survive. The food that we eat also comes from trees.
8. What are the 10 Environmental Factors?
As you are aware of the 10 features of physical environment, let’s see here some of the environmental factors that affect the most important parts of the physical environment are:
- Food: Food is a basic and essential part of the environment and without it, no organism is likely to survive. So, it is important to have a proper distribution of the same.
- Pollutants: Pollutants are responsible for all the disturbances in the environment. They can cause damage to the organism as they are generally harmful.
- Population density: Population density is another important factor. They lead to overcrowding which eventually leads to deforestation to encompass the population.
- Noise: The noise pollution is causing huge damage to humans as well as the animals on both land and sea.
- Light: Excess use of light can lead to pollution and the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It disturbs the natural balance of the environment and leads to health problems in the population.
- Parasites: Parasites affect the environment and lead to disturbance in vegetation and population dynamics by impacting the host and non-host species.
- Unhealthy Oxygen concentration: The concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere affects organisms. So oxygen plays a vital role in the survival of species.
- pH: pH comes in many ranges which affect the biological and chemical balance of water that can cause health-related issues if the pH is not balanced.
- Radiation: Radiation is a part of an environment that affects every organism. But their effect is majorly negative and it affects the DNA of the organisms. So, it is important to save oneself as much as possible to reduce the damage caused by radiation.
- Abrupt change in Temperature and Pressure: The increase and decrease changes in temperature and pressure can affect weather patterns, thunderstorms, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.
9. What are the 6 Physical Environment?
The six different physical environments are:
- Taiga: Taiga is the forest in a cold region. They lie to the south of the Arctic Circle. Taigas are found in Alaska, Siberia, and Canada.
- Rainforests: Rainforests are huge forest areas that are characterized by continuous rainfall and evergreen trees. They support many life forms.
- Temperate forests: These forests are found in the temperate regions of the Earth. They have both warm and cold air masses and comprise deciduous trees.
- Tundra: Tundra is a treeless region with scant rainfall. They are mainly found on the top of the mountains and have cold and windy temperatures.
- Deserts: Deserts are very hot and dry regions with no rainfall. They lack even basic vegetation.
- Grassland: Grasslands are huge areas that have only grasses in the name of vegetation. They support wildlife. They are found in the region where there is just a sufficient amount of rainfall, neither too much nor too little.
10. What are the 8 Physical Features of India?
- The Himalayan Mountains: Himalayan Mountains are a chain of very high mountains in Northern India. They have been differentiated into three smaller regions.
- The Northern Plains: These are the vast stretch of plains that are located in northern India. The soil in these plains is alluvial soil, which is very fertile.
- The Peninsular Plateau: These are the oldest landforms of the country and comprise the hilly regions of Western ghats.
- Central Highlands: These are centrally located highlands in India that comprise the hilly regions of the Eastern ghats.
- The Indian Desert: The great Indian desert is the vast stretch of sandy and dry lands that cover the Indian states of Rajasthan and Gujarat.
- The Coastal Plains: India has a coastal region comprising the Eastern Coast and the Western Coast that lie alongside the Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea respectively.
- The Islands: India has two major groups of islands that are part of the country. They are the Lakshadweep Islands which lie in the Arabian sea and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands which lie in the Bay of Bengal.
I think all your queries are answered like what are the 10 features of physical environment, types of physical environment, etc. I hope this article was helpful to you. (Also read What is the Climate in Wetlands?)