The second season of the gritty Spanish crime drama “Wrong Side of the Tracks” recently dropped on Netflix, delivering another intense storyline centered around the dangerous Entrevías neighborhood of Madrid. This season picks up where season one left off, with former soldier Tirso Abantos continuing his crusade to clean up the streets and protect his adopted granddaughter Irene.
1. Who Was Irene’s Attacker?
One of the major story arcs this season involves the aftermath of Irene being sexually assaulted in season one. Police officer Amanda discovers that Irene was not the only young woman to be victimized by these criminals. Through her investigation, she learns that the girls were brought to a brothel called Aloha to be abused.
The prime suspect is revealed to be a corrupt developer named Guillermo Salgado. When Tirso finds out about Salgado’s involvement, he is consumed with rage and goes after him seeking vengeance. However, Irene stops her grandfather before he can shoot Salgado, knowing that killing him would land Tirso in prison.
2. What Alliances Build After Sandro is Killed?
With crime boss Sandro out of the picture after being killed in season one, a power vacuum emerges in the Entrevías underworld. Ambitious young Nata positions herself to take over, aided by her henchman (and Irene’s ex-boyfriend) Nelson.
They form an alliance with a mysterious drug trafficker known only as “The Phantom/Ghost,” who has been supplying product to all the local dealers. Police informant Ezequiel tries to gather intel on The Ghost’s operation, provoking the trafficker in hopes of replacing Sandro’s former position. This kicks off an escalating turf war for control of Entrevías’ lucrative drug trade.
3. Tirso’s Love Triangle
On the personal front, Tirso finds himself caught in a surprising love triangle. His budding romance with Gladys, Nelson’s mother, is threatened by the return of his ex-wife Julia. Throughout the season, Tirso struggles to balance his lingering feelings for Julia against his deepening bond with Gladys.
Meanwhile, Gladys must also contend with romantic overtures from Ezequiel, who has been in love with her for years. This leads to plenty of jealousy and conflict between the three as they try to navigate their complex relationships.
4. Season 2 Ending Explained
As the season builds to its dramatic conclusion, tensions reach a boiling point. Amanda closes in on finally taking down the mysterious Ghost, while Tirso hunts for Salgado seeking to avenge Irene.
After learning Salgado’s location, Tirso tracks him down, prepared to kill him in cold blood. But before he can pull the trigger, Amanda shoots Salgado dead from behind. While justice is served, Amanda prepares to surrender to the police for murder.
Also Read: ‘The Hand That Robs The Cradle’ Ending Explained
The finale of ‘Wrong Side of the Tracks’ leaves things open-ended for season three. With Salgado gone, will someone else simply rise up to take his place ruling the criminal underworld of Entrevías? And how will Tirso’s tangled love life with Gladys and Julia resolve now that secrets and feelings have been laid bare? The neighborhood may be freed from one monster, but many threats still lurk in the darkness for our characters.