Cats have become the most beloved species and a common choice of people among other pet animals. Today let us find out why do people like cats so much? You will be amazed to see that some reasons are even backed by scientific research. Despite their rude behavior, inattentiveness towards their owners, self-centered nature, and feline instincts, they have become an inseparable part of our lives. So yes, this will validate that a cat person is not crazy just like that.
1. Cats are Very Funny

Because of their unpredictable behavior, cats are funnier than dogs. A dog will follow orders and do the usual things they do, but a cat might do something totally unexpected and make people laugh. Do you know what is the funny bone nerve in humans?
2. They Communicate and Express Their Love
Yes, a cat meowing at you is not without purpose because they do not usually meow randomly at their parents. They are either complaining about their siblings, a missing toy, empty food bowl, or a closed door that they want to be opened. Other possible reasons include they want you to pick them up, they need your attention and want you to pet them.
Although cats may sometimes appear indifferent, they genuinely have a deep love for us. I guess this is also a reason why people like cats so much. They present it in various ways unlike dogs and other animals.
Cats show affection by cuddling on laps, rubbing their heads, and purring. In short, they are the animal version of introvert humans who love but can’t express.
3. They are Cuter than Other

Many studies have been conducted on the impact of cuteness on popularity. Most of these studies have found that the cuter something is, the more popular it tends to be. Because cats are considered to be very cute creatures, many people love them.
4. They Exhibit Random and Unexpected Behaviors
Cats do unexpected things all the time, which makes them very amusing. One of the main reasons so many pictures of funny cats circle the internet is that cats do things unexpectedly that surprise their owners. Cats acting randomly is particularly a reason why people like cats so much.
5. They Do Not Require Extra Attention
Yeah, cats spend around 18–20 hours sleeping, which varies according to their age. Kittens are more energetic, but they doze off after an hour or so of playing. Adult cats are typically independent and spend the majority of their day leisurely lounging around. You do not need to take them out or do heavy physical playing with them. Believe me, they do it themselves at 3 am.
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6. Self-groomers

Pets are not a fan of bathing, which often results in stinky and matted fur. But with cats it is not the case because they lick clean themselves. This is an important part of their schedule, sometimes they devote 50% of their time to this.
Self-grooming and cleaning is a sign of a healthy and happy cat. Their grooming habits may be the answer to the question of why do people like cats so much.
7. They are Indoor Potty Trained
You do not have to take them for poo and pee because they are happy with their clean litter box. They simply relieve themselves and all you have to do is to clean it afterwards. No, more neighbors screaming for letting your pet poo in their yard.
Mosquitoes are as harmful to cats as they are to humans. Learn how to get rid of mosquitoes indoors and protect your family.
8. They are Safer than Dogs

Because cat owners are usually more cautious, they prefer to own an animal that might not cause much trouble. Yes, cats can cause a few scratches, but compare this to what a Rottweiler can do.
I totally agree to this because they are delicate and cannot harm you much. But still they have feral instincts like big cats and may hunt you down with their cuteness.
9. They Are Not Very Social
Cat people are usually not as outgoing as dog people. A person who gets a dog will have to go out often and walk it. Cat owners are usually introverts like cats because they are not obligated to take them out and socialize with other cat owners. And this quality makes them everyone’s favorite.
Talking about being anti social, do you know why is family considered the most important agent of socialization?
10. Cats can be Quiet like Their Owners
Cat people are usually quieter and calmer than dog people. Because cats share the same personality traits with some people, those people are very comfortable owning a cat.
Let me tell you, not every cat is quite like their owners. This personality trait is something that depends on their age, breed, and most importantly, their mood. So, there may be times when you are silent and the company you. But most of the time when you are feeling down their stupid behavior and crazy playing habits will uplift your mood.
11. People See Themselves in Cats

The more a person has personality traits that are close to cats, the more that person will see himself in the cat’s personality. It is true that people find cats to be like them, maybe this is why do people like cats so much.
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12. People Relate to Cats’ Complex Personalities
People like the things that represent them the most, including their pets. Cat people usually share some personality traits with cats, such as independence, self-reliance, cautiousness & introversion.
Cats have complex personalities and very expressive faces. This makes them much more interesting to some people. Yes, many people love how cute and funny a cat could be with their expressions and habits. For example, you must have seen the funny face they make when they play hide and kill with their siblings or you.
13. They Improve Our Mental and Physical Health

According to a study, cats do have positive impact on your physiological and psychological health. Interacting with them reduces heart attack risk, lower blood pressure, release dopamine and serotonin for mood regulation, stress reduction, and improved immune function.
Petting them brings joy
I agree, after a stressful day petting your cat gives a calm feeling. According to the scientists, there are possibly 3 reasons behind it:
- You are positively interacting with an animal.
- Your hand gently strokes the fur of the kitty, moving in a steady rhythm.
- You are dedicating some of your attention to this soothing activity.
Even though you both enjoy it, beware of the red zone – their belly, because not all cats enjoy belly rubs.
Release of Oxytocin

Playing and spending time with cats reduces stress which in turn soothes the mind. When a person is calm and enjoys the company of their cat, their mind releases the love hormone, oxytocin. Yes, petting a cat releases the “love hormone” in humans, according to research.
You cannot deny that learning the interesting reasons why people like cats so much, was way more fun than you expected. Who knew their behavior impacts us so deeply and positively? No, I am not against dog people, but it is like the same for chocolate lovers. Some people like dark while others prefer milk chocolate. And here loving a cat is more like loving a dark chocolate which may taste bitter at first but is soothing and beneficial afterwards.
Do you know about these 13 amazing benefits of yoga day? If you do not have a cat, try yoga; it will help.