Santo is a 2022 TV series that revolves around the enigmatic drug dealer Santo, whose true identity remains a mystery. The series follows two police officers, Millán and Cardona, as they pursue Santo, with their contrasting approaches and backgrounds adding to the complexity of the narrative.
The show, created by Carlos Lopez, is a crime thriller that keeps the audience engaged through its fast-paced action and the gradual revelation of key plot details. The plot unfolds across two continents, with the action taking place in both Spain and Brazil.
The story kicks off with Inspector Millán investigating the murder of a criminal named Cristobal and the subsequent kidnapping of his son in Madrid.
Meanwhile, Agent Cardona, a detective from Brazil, teams up with Millán to track down Santo, hoping to uncover the drug lord’s whereabouts. As the series progresses, the audience is drawn into a web of mystery and intrigue, with the true nature of Santo and the characters’ pasts gradually coming to light.
Who is Santo?
The ending of the first season reveals a major twist: Santo’s true identity is not that of a man, but of a woman named Barbara. She has been leading an occult gang and has managed to keep her real identity hidden while posing as the drug lord.
The unanswered questions in the end of “Santo” include the doubts surrounding Cardona’s intentions after he chooses to save Barbara (Santo) despite realizing her malevolent nature. Additionally, the series leaves the audience questioning the potential outcomes of Barbara’s escape and Cardona’s disappearance.
The series concludes with a dramatic showdown, during which Barbara, also known as Santo, is revealed to have kidnapped Millán’s daughter, leaving the audience with a cliffhanger and setting the stage for a potential second season.
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The series has received mixed reviews, with some viewers praising its entertainment value and fast-paced action, while others have criticized its confusing narrative and the lack of clarity in certain plot elements.
Despite its flaws, Santo offers an engaging and suspenseful viewing experience, leaving the audience eager to see how the story will unfold in a potential second season.
Santo is a compelling crime thriller that weaves together the stories of two police officers on a mission to uncover the true identity of the elusive drug dealer Santo. The series’ ending leaves several questions unanswered, setting the stage for a potentially gripping second season. With its blend of action, mystery, and dramatic twists, Santo has the potential to captivate audiences and keep them eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this tale.