The Calling is a gripping crime drama series that premiered on Peacock in November 2022. The show follows NYPD Detective Avraham Avraham (played by Jeff Wilbusch), a deeply spiritual and religious man who uses his strong faith to guide him as he investigates crimes. In the first thrilling season, Avraham and his partner Detective Janine Harris (Juliana Canfield) look into the disappearance of a teenager named Vincent Conte.
The season finale ended on a shocking cliffhanger, revealing that the leader of the cult Vincent joined, John Wentworth, was actually his uncle Leonard Conte. Leonard had faked his death years earlier and took on a new identity to get revenge on his family. In the tense finale, Avraham and Janine are able to stop Leonard right before he sets off a bomb to kill his father.
So when can fans expect to see The Calling back for season 2? Here’s everything we know so far.
Has The Calling Been Renewed for Season 2?
As of February 2024, The Calling has not yet been renewed for a second season. The first 8-episode season only debuted on Peacock in November 2022, so it likely hasn’t been long enough for the streaming service to make a decision about the show’s future.
According to reports, The Calling was one of Peacock’s most-watched shows when it premiered. If the viewership numbers were strong, that bodes well for the chances of a season 2 renewal down the line.
Sources like Variety have suggested that Peacock will likely take a few months to evaluate factors like audience reactions, reviews, and ratings before determining if they want to order another season. So fans may need to wait until mid-2023 or later to get official word.
What Could Happen in The Calling Season 2?
Season 1 ended with a major cliffhanger, so there are plenty of storylines for The Calling to explore in a potential second season.
The finale’s shocking twist revealed that John Wentworth was secretly Avraham’s nemesis Leonard Conte all along. Leonard’s sinister plan to get revenge and kill his father Michael Rosen was stopped at the last minute. But Leonard is still out there, posing a threat. Season 2 could see Avraham having to track down Leonard again as he continues his mission for vengeance.
Avraham also still has unresolved trauma surrounding his own father’s unsolved murder when Avraham was a child. Many fans feel that season 2 could dive deeper into Avi’s backstory and explore what really happened to his dad.
Meanwhile, Avraham’s relationship with his partner Janine was growing over season 1. But just when it seemed like a romance might bloom between them, the season ended with the two detectives being called away to investigate a new case. Season 2 could develop their partnership and chemistry further.
There is also plenty of room to introduce new cases and crimes for Avraham and Janine to solve. With mastermind David E. Kelley as showrunner, fans can expect more thrilling and twisty mysteries in season 2.
When Could Season 2 Premiere?
Most Peacock original series take around a year in between seasons, sometimes more. So even if The Calling gets renewed soon, season 2 likely wouldn’t debut until late 2023 at the very earliest.
Kelley’s track record does suggest that if renewed, The Calling could return on a reliable yearly schedule. Many of his hit shows like Big Little Lies and The Undoing have had a year or so between seasons.
The Calling is also based on a series of novels by author D.A. Mishani, so there is plenty more source material available to adapt for future seasons. Mishani has written three “Avraham Avraham” books so far, giving the show a lot to draw from.
Barring any delays, a realistic premiere timeframe for The Calling season 2 would be fall 2023 or later. But fans may need to wait over a year to dive back into Avraham’s world.
What is the Cast and Crew Saying?
So far, the cast and creators of The Calling have expressed enthusiasm about the possibility of coming back for more.
In an interview with Digital Trends, executive producer Matthew Tinker hinted that the creative team has ideas for continuing the show beyond season 1:
“What’s going to keep me excited to be a part of this show and what’s going to keep audiences excited beyond the first season? Those questions are being asked and answered in the writers’ room for a potential season 2.”
Tinker’s comments suggest the writers are hopeful they’ll get a chance to expand on the story and characters.
The Calling’s talented ensemble cast could also return for season 2. Along with lead actors Jeff Wilbusch and Juliana Canfield reprising their roles as Avraham and Janine, supporting stars like Tony Curran, Karen Robinson, and Michael Mosley would likely be back as well.
And with mastermind David E. Kelley at the helm, fans can reasonably hope for the same high level of acting and writing quality in a second season.
The cast and creative team seem enthusiastic about continuing, which is a good sign for the chances of The Calling returning.
Will Peacock Renew The Calling?
While nothing is guaranteed, there are good reasons to be optimistic about The Calling season 2.
Early ratings reports have suggested strong viewership for the first season of the show. It also has the backing of renowned producer David E. Kelley, known for making compelling and successful crime dramas.
Perhaps most importantly, The Calling’s first season ended on a cliffhanger that left many unanswered questions about the characters and storylines. This gives Peacock the perfect opportunity to order another season.
Many shows have been renewed by streaming platforms based on much less enticing factors. So there is a strong chance that Peacock greenlights more episodes.
Of course, fans will have to wait for the official network announcement confirming if The Calling season 2 is happening. But given all the positive signs, renewal seems like a realistic possibility.
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The Calling Has Strong Potential for Future Seasons
With its great cast, suspenseful writing, intriguing religious themes, and cliffhanger ending, The Calling has all of the ingredients needed to continue captivating audiences over multiple seasons.
Lead actor Jeff Wilbusch and creator David E. Kelley have discussed ideas for future character growth and story arcs that would keep the show intense and unpredictable.
While Peacock has yet to officially renew the series, early positive indicators point towards strong odds for The Calling to return. As long as audiences remain passionate about Avraham Avraham’s journey, there is still more of his story left to tell.
The moment Peacock announces an official season 2 renewal, you can expect fans to be calling out for more episodes of this one-of-a-kind crime drama. Stay tuned for the latest updates on when The Calling will come back to deliver more dramatic twists and turns.