What does 1 Million equal to?
It equals 1,000,000, which means six zeroes are suffixed after 1 to make the figure in a million.
What is the correct abbreviation for Million?
Both the abbreviations, M and MM, are correct for representing Million. However, M is most commonly abbreviated. ‘M’ abbreviation came from Mega and K for thousand and G for billion, and symbolize thousands. Whereas using MM represents thousands of thousands, along with M for a thousand.
For instance, you would have noticed how to denote $5 Million. Evidently, you would have seen it written as $5M, not $5MM.
Difference between M and MM?
MM is immensely used in the oil and gas business as it stands for ‘a thousands.’ M is derived from the word ‘mille,’ which is often used in lower cases and is the original symbol for thousand.