From earlier times till today, we have been using directions for various purposes, specifically to reach a destination for various things. But that’s not the end of it, directions are the way to reach a specific place or in broader terms, it helps you in determining where things are or which way you have to go in order to reach your destined place. Before hopping on to what is the meaning of intermediate directions, you need to learn what directions are and their types. There are various types of directions and each of them has its own benefit. So, let us read further to learn about directions, specifically about one of its types – intermediate directions.
1. What are the 8 Directions called?
Directions are understood with the help of a compass which lays over several direction points which are measured with 90-degree angles. These are North(N), East(E), South(S), and West(W). However, along with this, a compass carrying other four directions is formed by bisecting the above angles which result in the following directional points – Northeast (NE), Southeast (SE), Northwest (NW), and Southwest (SW). These are also known as intercardinal directions or ordinal directions. Must read How to Identify North West East South?
2. How many Types of Directions are there?
Majorly, directions are categorized into four types, namely North, South, East, and, West. However, that’s not the end of it, it can be categorized into 8 and 16 types of direction as well. A compass is a device that shows you directions, in which 8 types of directions are usually present, which are North, South, East, West, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest.
3. What does Cardinal and Intermediate Directions mean?
Until now you have learned about the various types of directions and their names. But what are these types known as? To your relief, these directional points are termed cardinal and intermediate directions respectively. Cardinal directions are the four types of directional points, namely North, South, East, and West. The cardinal points are formed with 90-degree angles. The meaning of intermediate directions is the points that are formed by bisecting the cardinal points, namely Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, and Northeast. (See How to Find House Facing Direction in Google?)
4. What is the Difference between Cardinal and Intermediate Directions?
The difference between cardinal and intermediate directions lies in the angles it forms. Cardinal directions refer to the directional points also known as cardinal points which mention the four major directions – North, South, East, and West. Then, what is meant by intermediate directions? Well, the meaning of intermediate directions refers to these four intercardinal points – Northwest, Southeast Southwest, and Northeast which are obtained by bisecting the 90-degree cardinal points.
5. What is the Meaning of Intermediate Directions?
The meaning of intermediate directions refers to the in-between points of the cardinal points. In simpler terms, it refers to the corners or the points between the cardinal points. These points are Northeast which falls in-between North and East, Southeast which is between South and East, Northwest which falls between North and West, and Southwest which is in between South and West respectively. These points are also referred to as intercardinal directions. Must read How is Relative Location Found?
6. What is the Other Name of Intermediate Direction?
Intermediate directions are also known as intercardinal directions or cardinal directions that are located halfway between cardinal points. These intercardinal points are Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest. Along with North, East, South, and West, it forms the cardinal and intermediate directions. There is a 16 point compass which provides much broader directions over the intermediate directions.
7. What are Intermediate Directions Examples?
Examples of intermediate directions are the four ordinal or intercardinal directions as Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, and Northeast. These can be known with the help of a regular compass. Check out What is North South East West called on a Map?
8. How do You use Intermediate Directions?
The major directions, also known as the cardinal directions are North, South, East, and West, which are formed by the 90-degree angles of a 360-degree scale. But in order to point out or to show the direction that falls in between these major points, you would need to use the intermediate directions. Well, the intermediate directions refer to those points that fall between the cardinal points. These points are read and understood clockwise. These intermediate points are Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest.
9. What is known as Intermediate Points?
Since you are aware of the meaning of intermediate directions, you must know that Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest are known as intermediate points. These directional points are different from the cardinal points as they are formed by the 90-degree angles on all sides resulting in directions: North, East, South, and West. However, the midpoints between these cardinal points are known as intermediate points.
10. What is a 16 Point Compass?
Until now you have learned about four and eight directional points which are termed cardinal and intermediate (or Intercardinal) points. But there is more of it, generally known as the 16 point compass, which lays the midpoints in between each cardinal and intermediate point. In broader terms, the point between North and Northeast, Northeast and East, East and Southeast, Southeast and South, South and Southwest, Southwest and West, West and Northwest, and, Northwest and North are present in a 16 point compass along with the cardinal points that are North, East, South, West and intermediate points that is Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest.
In total there are 16 points that the compass shows. However, there are names for these points, which are laid down in the following list:
- North and Northeast: NNE
- Northeast and East: ENE
- East and Southeast: ESE
- Southeast and South: SSE
- South and Southwest: SSW
- Southwest and West: WSW
- West and Northwest: WNW
- Northwest and North: NNW
11. Why North is called North?
The word North has its origin in the old German word Nord both coming from the Proto-Indo-European unit ner, meaning left, below. This is because the north is left when you face the rising sun. All the cardinal directions are formed based on the sun’s position.
Now that you know the meaning of intermediate directions, we may conclude with the fact that directions are determined on the basis of the position of the sun. But did you know that there are several other elements through which directions are determined such as the wind, especially North Star? With this piece of information, we hope this article gave you everything you were looking for. (See How to find North Direction in a Room?)