Researches are interesting with so many processes and methods around, especially psychological processes. And knowing about the methods that are used to study it, are always fun. Different methods have been established to study because that’s how vibrant our minds are. This article is going to look at momentary time sampling and how it is an amazing way to study human activities and behaviors. You will also get to know about the advantages and disadvantages of a time sampling. So, be prepared for the most unique piece of writing!
1. What are the Types of Time Sampling?
There are three types of time sampling:
- Whole interval recording: This recording aims to see if the particular activity or behavior that is observed is occurring for the entire duration of the interval.
- Partial interval recording: Here, the behavior is recorded at any time of the interval, unlike the whole interval recording.
- Momentary time sampling: Momentary time sampling is the collection of data on a particular behavior that occurs at the end of the interval.
2. What is Momentary Time Sampling?
Momentary time sampling is recording and collecting data on the occurrence behavior by the observer. This is done only when the participant is engaged or shows the behavior at the end of the interval. It is a less intrusive way of data collection. Check out the Stanley Milgram Experiment Results.
3. Why would You Use Momentary Time Sampling?
Momentary time sampling is used to compute an easily identified behavior that occurs very often during the interval that it gets difficult to count on. It is done at the end of the interval so the observer does not have to attend to the behavior throughout the whole session. It provides an estimate of the occurring behavior rather than accurate documentation.
4. Is Momentary Time Sampling Continuous?
No, momentary time sampling is not continuous because the observer studies the behavior at the end of the interval only. There is not a continuous process of evaluation and collection of participant data during the middle of intervals. Read Importance of Child Behavioral Psychologist.
5. Is Momentary Time Sampling Accurate?
Yes, momentary time sampling is accurate. It is done in real-time when the behavior is occurring, which is carefully noted down by the observer. So, there are very little or no chances of discrepancy in the behavior of the participant.
6. How Long should Intervals be in Momentary Time Sampling?
In momentary time sampling, the intervals should be of approximately 1 minute each. So, if the whole session is of 30 minutes, there would be 30 intervals of 1 minute each. The observer will record and collect data after every interval i.e. after every 1 minute. All the intervals have to be equal in length, so there is no discrepancy in the data collected by the observer. (See What is S Delta in ABA?)
7. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Time Sampling?
The advantages and disadvantages of a time sampling have been presented in this point.
Advantages of time sampling:
- It is a real-time study. So, there is an accurate collection of data.
- The observer gets time to record the behavior they have observed.
- The study is divided into intervals which makes it easier to observe and collect data.
Disadvantages of time sampling:
- The accuracy of time sampling is limited to the sample observed and where it is observed. It does not provide a holistic behavior of the sample.
- It only records behavior that is occurring at that specific time period. Any behavior that is occurring outside of the study which did not at the sampling time, makes the study meaningless.
8. What is the Difference Between Interval Recording and Time Sampling?

Do you know what is the difference between interval recording and time sampling? If not then let’s look at it here.
- Interval recording includes observing behavior and whether it occurs at specific time intervals. The behavior is then studied and recorded based on these intervals. In interval recording, the observer does not have to study the behavior all the time but only at specific intervals.
- Time sampling is the observation of the behavior of a participant every few minutes. The study time is divided into small parts where all the activities of the participant are observed and recorded after the end of every part. It has to be evaluated continuously unlike interval recording.
9. How do You use Time Sampling Observation?
Time sampling observation is used to study the behavior of the participant. It is done when there are concerns about an aspect of the behavior. The occurrence of the behavior is studied in real-time to get the most accurate data. An observer takes down the real time incidents to avoid any discrepancy in the data.
10. How do You Calculate Time Sampling Data?
Time sampling data is collected after a specific time interval. The time intervals can be fixed. For example, the behavior is noted after every 3 minutes. The intervals can also be random, which means the behavior can be noted randomly at any time. These data are usually presented as the percent of intervals of every behavior. This data is calculated by dividing the total number of intervals by the number of intervals when the behavior was recorded and multiplying it by 100. (Also read What is One Criticism of Projective Tests?)