Taboo, also known as Tabu, Tapu, or Tongan, is a social activity prohibition based on inaccurate beliefs that conducting such behaviors is either too unpleasant or too harmful for the human population. The religious perspective focuses on taboos originating from spiritual belief and driven by the awe of the supernatural. Cultural taboo involves the banning of numerous cultural laws that are prohibited in diverse cultures. The food and beverages taboo requires society to forbid the consumption of certain foods and beverages in a certain manner. Its power is essentially based on the emotional impulses it exudes; even the mere mention of breaking a taboo result in a penalty. Let us dive in deeper and learn about an example of taboo in AP human geography and taboos in different cultures.
1. What is the Meaning of Taboo with Examples?
Are you wondering what is the meaning of taboo with examples? A taboo is a cultural or religious tradition that forbids people from doing, using, or talking about something because it is considered offensive or shameful. The discussions of death, divorce, or polygamy are a few examples of taboos that are treated as offensive in our society. (See What are Some Values and Norms Examples?)
2. What are Three Examples of a Practice or Trait that are Considered Taboo?
The example of taboo in ap human geography are:
- Social evil like Sati is a forbidden activity, henceforth treated as a major taboo in our society.
- Slavery is the treatment of humans as property, enslaving them and forcing them to work for no pay was a hideous crime.
- Cigarette smoking previously widespread has somewhat become a taboo in the United States and other countries throughout the world.
3. What is the Most Common Taboo?
Taboo generally refers to any activity or behavior that is considered to be socially unacceptable on the grounds of being inhuman, sacred, or supposed to be followed by a certain person only. There are numerous taboos all around the world which are specific to certain areas, religions, or communities, but a few activities are considered taboo throughout the world and are frowned upon. One such activity involves the eating habits of a person as even though different communities and regions have different food but the activity of cannibalism is considered wrong and is a taboo throughout the world.
4. What is an Example of Taboo in AP Human Geography?
AP human geography defines a taboo as a restriction on a specific behavior based on social custom. On basis of the beliefs of many communities, a lot of activities throughout the world are regarded as taboo; these can be related to eating habits, lifestyle, bodies, etc. An example of taboo in AP human geography is that many communities believe that people of the same communities and religions should be married to each other and marriage out of faith is a taboo, so if any person tries to marry outside his religion, it is frowned upon by the rest of the community.
5. What is Taboo in American Culture?

Socially acceptable practices vary by culture and change over time, such as women wearing pants, which was formerly considered taboo in American culture but is now entirely acceptable. While the United States is a welcoming and open country, there are some cultural taboos to be aware of which range from unlawful behavior to minor social standards that are socially unacceptable behavior in their society that individuals who live there find offensive and in certain cases may result in punishment. Several examples of taboos in American culture are: –
- Not tipping the waiter, as tipping has indeed been part of American culture since the Great Depression, it’s usually expected to tip 20% at restaurants in the United States, as well as tip taxi drivers, baristas, and hair stylists.
- Talking business at the dinner table because business should not be talked about at the dinner table.
- Sexist and racist jokes regarding race, sex, and gender have become less acceptable as society advances. In recent years, America has experienced a cultural revolution in which equality has become increasingly valued.
- Burping in public is something Americans dislike.
- Not removing your dog’s waste if your dog litters during a walk. Bring a bag with you to collect and properly dispose of their waste this will allow others to enjoy the parks or streets without getting them frowned upon.
- Refusing a present will make the person who gave it to you angry. Gifts are given as a sign of affection or gratitude, and they should be graciously accepted.
6. What is an Example of Taboo in American Society?
A taboo is typically described as something that is prohibited by a certain society. Many issues in America are considered taboo and are rarely mentioned. So, what’s an example of taboo in ap human geography in America? For example, a bride being visibly pregnant on her wedding day was traditionally seen as a taboo subject that was privately discussed but not publicly acknowledged. But now America is more open and shattering these taboos. Must read How Marriage between Individuals who have Similar Social Characteristics happens?
7. What is a Food Taboo in the United States?
There are a lot of food taboos around the world that people of different backgrounds consider while developing their eating habits, many communities have taboos against eating pork, eggs, bugs, or specific kinds of meat. In the United States of America, a common taboo that people follow is that they abstain from horse meat. Though horse meat is quite popular in a lot of European and Asian countries people in the United States of America always show their disgust over horse meat, this is so widely followed that the slaughter of horses for human consumption is banned in the country.
8. What are Some Taboos in Different Cultures?
What is an example of taboo in ap human geography especially related to cultures? Here are some examples of taboos in different cultures:
- While in the West, eye contact is emphasized as a sign of attentive listening, Aboriginal Australian societies frequently regard it as a sign of disobedience.
- Personal space is highly valued in many Western countries because stepping too close to someone or standing too close together in a discussion can be considered too intrusive or an invasion of personal space.
- Most countries consider burping and flatulence to be inappropriate in almost all social circumstances.
- Discussing your money and income is disapproved of in the United Kingdom, as well as in many other countries.
- Japan is well-known for its vigorous corporate culture. For lower-level employees, leaving the premises before your supervisor is disapproved of and may hinder your promotion opportunities.
- Because youth is valued in Western countries, and some women are concerned with growing older, questioning women’s age might come across as highly disrespectful.
- While all couples quarrel and disagree, the majority of the world expects couples to present a united face while in public. This may have a gender-based aspect in some more traditional societies where the male may feel shame if their wife openly questions them.
- Taking a photograph of a stranger against their permission is regarded as a breach of privacy and, in some cases, may be illegal. If persons can be seen in the backdrop of your photos, it is courteous to blur their faces before publishing them.
- Public displays of affection between couples are disapproved of, particularly among more conservative cultural groups. While public displays of affection are more widespread in Western Europe and Latin America, conservative sections of America and the Middle East condemn public hand-holding and kissing.
- Women in many Arab nations are expected to dress conservatively, and western female visitors to Morocco frequently drape shawls over their shoulders to show respect for their host culture.
- While Anglo cultures such as Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia are not rigid about this regulation, the rest of the world expects visitors to remove their shoes before entering their homes; failure to do so is considered bad manners.
9. What is Taboo in Religion?
Since you are aware of an example of taboo in ap human geography, note that a religious taboo is something that is forbidden by a religion, which usually stems from the religion’s foundation writings, such as the Bible, Torah, or Quran, and includes laws aimed to protect civil behavior and hygiene. Offending the goddess or gods is one of the most important taboos in religion, but other taboos affect daily life. The entire system of superstitions is aimed at stopping you from opposing those belief systems, which is highly prohibited. These religions act as a teaching force in religion and influence a person’s behavior and movements. Haram refers to forbidden things in Islam, and Kosher refers to how food should be cooked in Judaism. (See What Time is Yom Kippur Fast Over?)
10. What are Some Religious Taboos?
Some religious taboos are:
- Several major faiths have anti-homosexuality prohibitions.
- Most religions still forbid abortion.
- Both Judaism and Islam forbid the consumption of pork.
- Some Islamic branches continue to regard female hair to be taboo, as women cover their hair using headscarves, face veils, burkas, veils, and khimars.
- Interfaith marriage is prohibited by some strict religious adherents, and those who marry Catholics must often consent to their child being raised Catholic. This is the most common example of taboo in ap human geography.
- Some faiths prohibit women from participating in different activities during menstruation hence believe women to be impure during this time of the month. Menstruation itself is considered taboo and not openly talked about.
Taboos are an aspect of society that acts as a barrier to openness and transparency, restricting freedom of thought, speech, and creativity. An example of taboo in ap human geography can lead to discrimination and limit people’s ability to be entirely open, while the consequences of taboos lead people to hide their views and emotions resulting in a lack of communication, distrust, and alienation between individuals and groups.