Kaleidoscope is a Netflix limited series centered around the planning and execution of an elaborate $7 billion heist by master thief Leo Pap (played by Giancarlo Esposito). Over the course of 8 episodes spanning 24 years, the show explores the relationships, motivations, and betrayals surrounding the heist.
The episodes can be watched in any order, with the finale episode showing the heist itself. Leo assembles a crew that includes explosives expert Judy, driver RJ, smuggler Stan, weapons dealer Ava, and safe cracker Bob. His motive stems from wanting revenge against his former partner Roger Salas (Rufus Sewell), now a wealthy CEO, who betrayed Leo years ago leading to the death of his wife.
In the finale, Leo and his crew successfully break into Roger’s high-security vault and steal the bonds. However, Leo’s daughter Hannah had made a side deal to return the bonds to their billionaire owners and take some money for herself. This leaves the crew with nothing.
Over the next 6 months, the team unravels as the FBI closes in. By the end, Leo, Ava, RJ, Bob, and FBI Agent Abbasi are dead. Stan and Judy are on the run with some stolen cash. Roger is in prison, framed by Leo. Only Hannah has truly benefited financially from the heist.
While the nonlinear episode order is an interesting concept, reviews suggest the series fails to develop the characters and relationships enough to make the viewer invested. The story itself follows standard heist thriller tropes. The Kaleidoscope show is inspired by a real $70 billion theft during Hurricane Sandy, but takes creative liberties in crafting Leo’s elaborate revenge plot.
What Happened to Nazan in Kaleidoscope? How Did She Die
Nazan Abassi was an FBI agent obsessed with bringing down arms dealer Ava Mercer. Over the course of the series, it is revealed that years earlier Ava had gotten Nazan suspended by reporting her for being intoxicated on duty. This led to Nazan losing custody of her son.
In the “Pink” episode, Nazan is shown walking down the street when an unidentified old man brushes past her and shakes her hand. Moments later, Nazan suddenly collapses and dies.
The exact circumstances and cause of Nazan’s death are not definitively revealed. There is speculation that Ava may have had her killed through a mole in the FBI. Others theorize that the ruthless clients known as “The Triplets” were responsible, as Nazan’s investigation was getting too close to uncovering information about them.
The character Hannah also describes a scenario to her father Leo where “The Triplets” can arrange to have someone simply brush past you and touch your hand, causing you to drop dead of an apparent heart attack shortly after. This matches how Nazan died.
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So in summary, while not explicitly shown, Nazan was likely murdered either on the orders of Ava Mercer or “The Triplets” to stop her investigation into their criminal activities. Her sudden death remains one of the biggest unsolved mysteries of the first season of Kaleidoscope.