Have you ever visited an oil rig? Do you know what an oil rig is? An oil rig is a huge offshore platform that is equipped with the facilities to extract crude oil and natural gas. In this article, we shall identify the oil rigs locations and who owns the most oil rigs. Stay tuned to discover.
1. Who Owns the Most Oil Rigs?
As far as the question of who owns the most oil rigs are concerned, the answer might be familiar to you. Schlumberger is the world’s biggest drilling company with an annual turnover of $32.8bn. It is headquartered in Houston, Texas and its offshore drilling services include deep water, high-temperature wells, multilateral and unconventional gas, etc. Schlumberger is a well-known name in the oil and gas industry and provides technology for reservoir characterization. (See Which Oil for Ryobi Pressure Washer is Recommended?)
2. Where are Most Oil Rigs Located?
Oil rigs are all around the globe, but where are most oil rigs located? The maximum number of oil rigs in America is located in the Gulf of Mexico and are owned by the US government. The Persian Gulf and the Far East follow the Gulf of Mexico on the list of majorities of oil rigs in the world.
3. What Country Owns the Most Oil Rigs?
However, Saudi Arabia is the leading producer of oil in the world, but the race to which country owns the most oil rigs is none other than North America. As of October 2022, there were 966 oil rigs found and the number has been ever-increasing every year. (See What was the Reason for European Exploration?)
4. What are the Oil Rigs Locations?
Discussing the oil rigs locations, some research and study have shown that there are seven regions that have more than 100 oil rigs and they can be divided into four areas.
- In America, the chart is topped by the Gulf of Mexico which contains 213 rigs, and the waters around Mexico and Brazil contain 113 and 104 oil rigs respectively.
- In Europe, the North Sea is highly dense with oil extraction rigs and shares 184 rigs between the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, and Norway.
- The third and fourth spot is the Far East and South East Asian fields. The Far East contains 173 and the South East contains 163 rigs.
5. Where are the Offshore Oil Rigs?
The majority of the offshore fields are located in the Persian Gulf namely Safaniya, Manifa, Upper Zakum oil field, and Marjan. These oil fields belong to Saudi Arabia, except for the upper zakum oil field. The other three are developed by Saudi Aram co. fields in India which are located in Mumbai high, K G Basin-East coast of India, Tapti field, Gujarat. Check out In What Part of the Boat Gasoline Fumes are most likely to Accumulate?
6. Where are Oil Rigs in America?
The oil rigs locations and gas rigs are found in a large portion of America’s geography but the largest oil and gas reservoirs are found in Louisiana, Texas, California, and Alaska.
7. Do People Live on Oil Rigs?

Well, the first thing to learn is that yes, people live on oil rigs. The second thing is that living conditions on oil rigs are not a party at all. It’s hard to survive in those conditions. Rigs have almost 200 people living onshore and offshore. The living cabins are shared rooms with engineers and the bathroom is also shared. All the cooking and cleaning is done by the staff and the meals and snacks are provided by the canteen. (See Can a Motor Yacht Travel across the Atlantic?)
8. How Long do You Stay on an Oil Rig?
The time duration of your stay depends upon the company you work for, the project type, and the duration of your contract. On average, a worker is onboard on the oil rig for a duration of 6 months to one year but the time duration might extend or reduce on the basis of their contract.
9. Are Cell Phones Allowed on Oil Rigs?
Well, the usage of a phone depends upon whether or not your crew boss allows it. However, you can use your phones in your living quarters, they are strictly prohibited anywhere outside the cabins because of the flammable gaseous environment. (See What are Machine Safeguarding Requirements?)
10. Do You have to Pay to get off an Oil Rig?
Is coming back from an oil rig as easy as going to an oil rig? Do you have to pay to get off of an oil rig? Well, no. You definitely don’t have to pay to get off an oil rig. The expense of taking you to the oil rig, the stay, and getting you back from the oil rig is all borne by the company itself. If they ask you for any kind of money, it is a big SCAM.
In this article, we learned about various oil rigs locations and which country has the maximum number of oil rigs. We also discussed how long can you stay on an oil rig and various aspects of oil rigs and the usage of cell phones in oil rigs in America. Hope this article was of help. (Also read What does HMS and RMS stand for?)