Netflix’s Spanish crime drama “Diary of a Gigolo” revolves around Emanuel (Jesús Castro), a high-end male escort whose life unravels when he gets involved with a client’s family affairs. The 10-episode first season culminates in a dramatic finale that reveals who murdered Emanuel’s client Ana (Fabiola Campomanes) and leaves his future uncertain.
1. Who Killed Ana?
The season ends with Minou (Adriana Barraza) confessing to Ana’s murder to protect her daughter Florencia. However, it was actually Julia (Victoria White), Ana’s daughter and Emanuel’s love interest, who committed the crime. On the night of the murder, Julia went to see Emanuel while drunk.
She encountered her mother Ana instead and realized Emanuel had only seduced her as part of a deal with Ana. In a fit of rage, Julia attacked and killed Ana with a sculpture from Emanuel’s home. Julia then tried framing Victor (Francisco Denis) for the murder by planting false evidence. When Minou claimed responsibility to spare Florencia from going to prison, Julia did not correct her.
2. What Happens to Emanuel and Julia?
After Minou confesses, Emanuel is released from police custody. However, his future remains uncertain after Julia discovers the truth about his deal with Ana. Julia asks Emanuel to never see her again. A year later, Emanuel returns to the city and reaches out to Julia.
She agrees to meet him, indicating they may reconcile and try to move forward together. The ending leaves their relationship status ambiguous, but suggests Emanuel chooses his love for Julia over loyalty to Minou, who protected him but is now in prison because of Julia’s actions.
3. What Happens At the End
By the finale, the details of the murder have become a media scandal. Minou is convicted for Ana’s death. Victor suffers a gruesome fate in prison, likely killed by other inmates for his shady business practices. Julia takes over her family’s company and seems intent on cutting ties with her mother’s toxic legacy.
4. Will There Be A Season 2?
Emanuel reconnects with his long-lost brother Renzo, finding some peace after years of trauma. Looking Ahead The open-ended finale leaves room for more story to be told in a potential Season 2. Key questions remain about whether Emanuel and Julia will stay together and if the truth about Ana’s murder will ever come out.
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There could also be more fallout from Victor’s business dealings and from the public exposure of Minou’s gigolo ring. While providing closure on the season’s central mystery, the ending sets up new avenues to explore in the scandalous world of “Diary of a Gigolo.”