After Everything, the fifth installment in the After film series, is a 2023 romantic drama directed by Castille Landon, based on characters from Anna Todd’s novels. The film follows Hardin Scott (Hero Fiennes Tiffin) and Tessa Young (originally played by Josephine Langford, but she has a reduced role in this film) as they navigate their tumultuous relationship after Hardin publishes a revealing book without Tessa’s consent.
1. Plot Summary of After Everything
At start Hardin is seen struggling with writer’s block and the aftermath of his messy breakup with Tessa. Hardin’s publisher, Katherine, nags him about the first draft for the next book.
Also, his parents are worried about him and how he has been wasting his time, drinking, and not making any efforts to move on in life.
2. Hardin’s Trip to Lisbon
He travels to Portugal to make amends with Natalie, a woman he once wronged. Hardin’s journey is motivated by his desire to become a better person and to win back Tessa Young (played by Josephine Langford), who he broke up with after his book about their relationship became a bestseller.
During his time in Lisbon, Hardin reconnects with Natalie (played by Mimi Keene), who forgives him for the pain he caused her in the past. This platonic relationship helps Hardin to grow and change.
The film also shows Hardin’s continued love for Tessa, which is evident in his memories of her and his inability to forget her.
3. After Everything Ending Explained
Upon returning from Lisbon, Hardin attends the wedding of Landon Gibson (played by Chance Perdomo) and Nora (played by Kiana Madeira). At the wedding, Hardin and Tessa reunite, and they eventually rekindle their relationship.
4. Do Hardin And Tessa End Up Together?
The film ends with a flash forward to Hardin carrying his book, “Later,” under his arm and entering his house, where he greets his heavily pregnant wife, Tessa, ending their chapter on a note of ‘Happily Ever After’.
5. Opinion and Feedback
Landon aimed to provide closure to the popular franchise, which is based on a series of novels by Anna Todd.
The film has received mixed reviews, with some fans and critics disappointed by the absence of Josephine Langford as Tessa Young and the deviation from the original books.
However, the film has been praised for its original screenplay and the performances of Hero Fiennes Tiffin and other cast members.
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After Everything is the final installment of the After film series, providing closure to the popular franchise. The film has been praised for its original screenplay and the performances of Hero Fiennes Tiffin and other cast members.