Jesus Christ
The most renowned figure in history was the spiritual teacher, a preacher of love, faith, and mercy. He was revered as the son of God and the incarnation of God. His teachings are widely admired not only in Christianity but in many other religions. Christ is also regarded as the major prophet in Islam.
The founder of Islam is known as the central figure of the Abrahamic religion of Islam. Not only Muslims but numerous people of different religions regard this great personality as the Prophet of God and the Last Messenger of the word of God through divine revelations.
Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Gautam Buddha, was the spiritual teacher, philosopher, and founder of Buddhism. Between 6th to 4th century B.C., he was profoundly absorbed in meditation and determined to penetrate its truth. Buddha never claimed anyone to show God. Instead, he always believed God resides in every pure soul, and they need to find out God within themselves.
Guru Nanak
Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism and one of the most influential personalities all over the world. In India, the full moon day in the month of October-November is celebrated as Guru Nanak Gurpurab. He was a genuine soul who spread the message of ‘one God’ that God constitutes the eternal truth and resides in his creations.
Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton was a dynamic personality who developed new mechanics, gravity, and laws of motion. He was known to be a great Polymath, as he investigated and gained magnificent results in optics, alchemy, and religion. Moreover, Newton laid the framework for the Scientific Revolution of the Seventeenth Century.
Saint Paul
Commonly known as Saint Paul, Paul the Apostle or Saul of Tarsus was an apostle known for teaching the gospel of Christ to the world of the 1st Century. He was a true disciple of Jesus who influenced many people and is known to be the second most important person in Christianity after Jesus.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer who was born in 1451 in Italy. Columbus is best known for his navigation skills, who explored the Americas under the flag of Spain.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was a German-US based theoretical physicist predominantly known for his theory of relativity and for expressing the equation E=mc2, mass-energy equivalence. He was an impeccable personality who was considered an original free-thinker and always speaking for humanitarian and global issues.
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei was an Italian scientist who is famous for confirming the heliocentric view of the universe. Galileo also discovered the four enormous moons of Jupiter, which is now known as Galilean, and the Phases of Venus. He is one of the greatest scientists ever born on this planet.
B.R. Ambedkar
B.R. Ambedkar was a dynamic personality who has inspired many people during his whole life. He is known for his honesty, revolutionary skills, far-visionary approach, efficiency, and leadership qualities. Dr Ambedkar was also appointed by the assembly to write India’s Constitution and as the chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee.
Karl Marx
Karl was a German communist philosopher, political theorist, economist, historian, and revolutionary socialist. Marx studied Hegelian and Law philosophy. He always believed in the labour theory of value to explain relative differences in market prices. Karl inspired many communist regimes in the twentieth century.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was one of the great personalities who fought for human/civil rights and played a crucial role to help the United States not to split apart. Abraham served as the 16th President of the United States (1861-1865) and also enlivened the democratic principles of the Declaration of Independence. (See Why Did John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln?)
William Shakespeare
One of the most prominent personalities, William Shakespeare, was an English poet, playwright, and actor. Shakespeare is also known as the ‘Bard of Avon’ and English’s national poet. Even today, world literature is under his influence. He has inspired many individuals and personalities.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, political ethicist, and anti-colonial nationalist. He played a significant role and is known to be the peerless leader for the movement of Independence when the British were ruling in India. Gandhi was famous for always letting people know the power of peace and even inspired other leaders to fight peacefully, avoiding violence.
Alexander the Great
In Greece, Alexander (born on July 356 BC) was the king of ancient Macedonia for circa 13 years. He was known to be one of the bravest military generals. Alexander created a massive empire that stretched massively from Greece to some part of India. (See How Alexander the Great defeated the Persians at Gaugamela?)
Nelson Mandela
Alexander, the GreatNelson Mandela, was a South-African Anti-apartheid revolutionary leader. He was born on 18th July 1918 and served as a President of South Africa from 1994-1999. He was a dynamic personality who was the first leader to be elected in a fully representative democratic election.
One of the most influential rulers of the Mughal dynasty was also known as Akbar, The Great. He is best known for ushering the Mughal architectural style, which signifies the blend of Hindu, Persian, and Islamic elements. He also sponsored some of the brightest minds of that era, including engineers, philosophers, poets, and all skilful people.
Martin Luther
Martin Luther, known to be one of the greatest men in Western history, sought to reform the Roman Catholic church through his impeccable writings. He is known to be the key figure in the Protestant reformation. Martin’s ideas appealed to people of all classes as his theology was based on society’s social, political, and economic reforms. Moreover, he distanced himself from radical successors who took up his mantle.
Neil Armstrong
The first human to walk on the moon. Neil was a U.S. pilot and an astronaut, who flew on two space missions named Gemini 8, and Apollo 11. Armstrong was a robust personality who earned his student’s pilot’s licensee at the early age of 16.
Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama was the spiritual and political leader of Tibetans. He taught the lessons, maintained Buddhist principles of compassion and forgiveness, and practised non-violent opposition to Chinese rule.