What does Sakura mean?
Sakura is a Japanese term for Cherry blossom trees; that is known to be a symbolic flower of a spring, a time of renewal, and the fleeting nature of life. It is the most renowned species of Japanese cherry. They have a concise lifespan; just after two weeks, the blossoms start to fall.
What does Sakura symbolize?
Cherry Blossom trees are considered a symbol of good luck, love, and springtime in Japan. The flowers of these trees are not less than an icon for Japan. Moreover, some people label the flowers of these trees as the unofficial national flower. Since these alluring flowers bloom for a concise period, they truly represent human mortality and make us realize the value of human life.
What time sakura blooms?
In Japan, the blooming period starts between the end of March and the beginning of May. The time can differ depending upon the location where the trees are located. For instance, In Tokyo, the trees bloom at the beginning of April, whereas, in Okinawa, the flowers bloom in January. Whatever time it blooms, it will last for a couple of weeks.
What is hanami?
Hanami is a tradition that takes place every spring at the time when flowers start to bloom. As you know that Cherry blossom is very well recognized in Japan. People celebrate the spring by having outdoor parties under the Sakura boughs.
The pinky-white flowers produced over the trees have not only cultural significance but also economic influence in Japan. Even during the beginning of the Sakura season, all the shops are filled up with cherry-blossom-adorned wares. (See Why Do People Wish on Dandelions?)
Can you experience the Sakura season without visiting Japan?
You need not visit only Japan to see the beauty of Sakura. Just by visiting Batsford Arboretum in Gloucestershire houses the National Collection of Japanese Flowering Cherries, you can experience the Sakura season.
The flowering over these trees starts between the beginning of April and mid-May. You can also experience Sakura’s good vibes in your own garden by planting prunus: Accolade, Kojo-no-mai, Shogetsu, and Pink Perfection. (See What’s the difference between annuals and perennials?)